IMOGEN - 10 months old
IMOGEN – 10 months old
I stand with my back to the sink
While your grandmother rummages
In cupboards below. Gazing up,
She meets your expectant face
Seemingly suspended in mid air.
You are bent almost backwards;
Determined to know what world of wonder
Exists on those shelves.
I fear to move, so like a little bird you were,
Nestling into the crook of my neck,
Rubbing your silken-hair against my skin,
Fledgling-like, perched on the bough of my arm.
I thought for a moment you would slip from the nest
Of my embrace and fly around the kitchen.
Greg Freeman
Wed 9th Sep 2020 09:44
Aren't grandchildren wonderful? And inspirational! Even if you can only see them from a distance during lockdown.