It's True
I shall shake off the stench of death, oh, so stale and dull
I shall, I shall.
I will so engage in all that's good, in all that's just and real
I will, I will.
I do so cherish all; and I do love you, see you, hear you.
I do, I do.
I shall shake off the stench of death,oh so stale and dull
I shall fight Him till my last breath before I join His thrall
I will engage in all that's good, in all that's just and real
And I will learn, like before, to trust again and I will heal.
I do so cherish all; and I do love you, see you, hear you.
and every day that passes by I hold on tight just for you.
I do.
I do.
It's true.
For you, whether I like it or I don't I'll have to last.
And so I must go on, certain, brave and steadfast.
I must, I must. I must.
P.S. As modal verbs go I intentionally left out the "coulda, woulda, shouda's". I find them pointless. And I bet if I tried I might discover that I actually can live without you; but that I may not!
Mae Foreman
Thu 23rd May 2019 16:08
Thank you dear Fish! You are too kind! Paul The Apostle huh? You honor me. It was just a declaration of devotion, I'm no saint.
Thank you so much?