made it out alive
I am starting to recognize her again.
For too long
she has been a stranger
within my own skin,
a cellmate of sorts.
But today.
Today I looked in the mirror
and for the first time
in what feels like an eternity
I knew her.
I have been looking at her
for 18 years.
But today
I saw her.
We must make acquaintances once more.
She has grown
and withered
and grown again.
She has made it out alive
and I deserve
to be proud of her.
Mae Foreman
Fri 5th Jul 2019 21:57
Strong piece! I would have never thought it is sexuality related. Growth is a long and painful process. Sometimes when big changes happen rapidly your mind doesn't have time to catch up and till it does you see yourself, your new self or the "transition self" (for lack of a better term) in the mirror and you don't recognize your reflection as yourself. But slowly you get there. It's happened to me. Had nothing to do with sex, but was definitely identity-related!
Thank you?