The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.


I listen to the news but I got confused

I remember the frogs were dying and the sea stars Banda Aceh Fukushima Haiti Lennon was shot I saw pictures of men on the moon there is a singularity whose picture I missed along with the Taliban Boko Harum Joseph Kony there are geriatrics in Guantanamo who need to pee often and spit yellow phlegm into cups that can never be made sharp Castro died and rain never stopped falling fires never stopped burning there's a singularity whose picture I missed along with Assange Manning Yemen Syria there are children no longer young waiting for parents who can no longer cry volcanoes erupt on anniversaries of volcanic eruption gas blew across a field where people died from AIDS epidemics Ebola outbreaks the climate changed polar bears rain never stopped falling fires never stopped burning there's a singularity whose picture I missed along with Rwanda Parkland Mandalay Bay Al Qaeda Dash there were miners and minors trapped 911 after Gaddafi's Libya I think the frogs were dying and then the sea stars there is a singularity whose picture I missed along with someone grabbing someone's pussy and telling them not to abort that mission there were hoses in Alabama than there were hoses in North Dakota I missed the troubles in Ireland the Ukraine Venezuela the Balkans the singularity I got confused I sat by a fire and listened to the rain fall and cried for the frogs.


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Mae Foreman

Sat 3rd Aug 2019 10:45

Oh my God, superb! You're like a contemporary Alain Ginsberg! I love the repetitions, my favorite element in fact. I loved it. Bravo!?

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Adam Rabinowitz

Tue 30th Jul 2019 07:06

I wish for your friend some relief and to thank you for reading and responding. It is all very depressing and while I only feel clinically that way occasionally it certainly can be exacerbated by the hopelessness of the news cycle.


Mon 29th Jul 2019 10:48

Love it. In decline the frogs of course - as are all our trees being deforested to create the junk mail landing on our door mats.

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Martin Elder

Mon 29th Jul 2019 09:19

I feel like I have been bombarded with a whole range of images one on top of another juxtaposed , hitting each other, getting louder fighting for attention. fabulously done Adam
Love it

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Don Matthews

Mon 29th Jul 2019 09:15

Adam you have experimented with an idea here and as far as I'm concerned you have excelled yourself. My first glimpse at the mass of 'garble' prompted a 'not my sort of poetry' response. Then I read Jason's comment and decided to have a closer look. I'm glad I did.

I liked the rhyming opening line, whether you meant to rhyme it I don't know. You start with the frogs and end your frustration relaxing by the fire crying for the frogs - what a fitting end, if you know what I mean.

I didn't listen to the audio. I knew what you would sound like - express train Adam......With no full stops and commas, one wonders when you caught your breath? Of course - at the end of each line........

Once again, an experiment well executed. To me.

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Jason Bayliss

Mon 29th Jul 2019 08:31

Really like the way that you've represented the constant non-stop onslaught of dire news by not using any punctuation and love the continual callbacks to a singularity as it feels like we're on the verge of tipping over the edge and falling into one.

J. x

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Adam Rabinowitz

Mon 29th Jul 2019 07:08

Trying to keep track of news over a long period of time can keep one's head spinning. I try to use the recent picture of the black hole that was in the news, remember, to think about all these events being sucked into darkness and just being left with fire, rain and tears.

I am sure the audio file will help in the flow but also I tried a bit of reverb at a friend's suggestion and do not know if that ended up as a distraction rather than an enhancement.

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