The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

A bad night

How to sleep?

How to leave behind

the cluttered mind?

Bric a brac thoughts,

car boot memories.

Table sale of dreams and wishes,

whirl of used words

Autumn fayre of worries,

Attic sale of places,

Jumble sale of faces.


Jumble sale?

Perhaps not.

Who would buy in this flea market?


How, then, to sleep

when the mind is a Saturday morning church hall

blur of dusty heaps and hopes?

How to rest?

How to think the best?

How to find the bright and new

amid the fuss and mess.

To find the magical

amid the practical?

Rummaging among yesterday's junk

for tomorrow's vision.


And meanwhile

how, please how,

to sleep?



I have a lot of good nights too

◄ Dad's shed

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<Deleted User> (6315)

Mon 15th Mar 2010 19:53

oh some super lines Dave :o) to find the magical amid the practical..lovely and jumble sale of faces..bric a brac thoughts oh lots of original ideas..I liked this very's you?..

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 13th Mar 2010 14:05

This is really good, in every poetic sense. I found 'the mind is a Saturday morning church hall blur of dusty heaps and hopes' an interestingly ambiguous metaphor.

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sat 13th Mar 2010 13:08

How to sleep. How indeed. Or why when you can produce a poem while in the throes of a moment of uninterrupted peace?

Nice poem,

Steve Smith

Sat 13th Mar 2010 12:28

good images Dave.Lost thoughts found in meditation.Steve Smith

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Greg Freeman

Sat 13th Mar 2010 09:40

I like this too, Dave. Lots of recognisable images that fit in well with the theme. I also like the fact that the first two comments on your poem were apparently posted at 3.41am and 6.28am today! Greg

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 13th Mar 2010 06:28

Good poem Dave. I like "bric a brac thoughts" very much.

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