The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.


There is a certain light

which sits just on the edge of a cloud

more nuanced by the hues of blue sky

then the paler palletes of the further horizon


And you have seen the yellow flame dance

on the log 

whose sparks

rise and twirl into the deep 

crepuscular and cerulean blue

of summer’s twilight


And you have seen the golden 

grasses’ halo 

glow and circle round meadows

where tiny spinners of dandelion

catch the last lights of dimming day

as they parachute 

drifting like dust


And you have seen the mountain

at fall’s eve catch the

purple-red of summer sunset

even as the currents and crests

of the cold Sound catch the same

both tinged majestic by its color


Light rising and falling

you have seen

reflected moonlight on midnight streams

rain bent neons on late wet sidewalks

candles dancing on lover’s skin

showers of light through storm clouds

and willow branches

the incandescence of stars

the cheap fluorescence of dingy bars


Light reflected and collected

you have seen

blue flames ‘neath copper pots

the mirrored heat antonymous 

to glacial turquoise

or the sharp laser of snow’s

crystal rainbow


Living light

you have seen

liquid ocean bioluminescence

reminiscent of aurora

greener than firefly’s child-chased 

summer lanterns

cat-eye glow

shining snakes of lava flow


So when you close your eyes

and your sleep is lit

mystical as the borders

of medieval illuminated


and the light is tranquil

as the movements

of turtles and manatees

through shadowed shallows 

all the light you have seen

becomes all the light

you can dream

and all the light below and above

becomes all the light 

with which you love.


◄ Between

Fall ►


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Mae Foreman

Mon 7th Oct 2019 13:00

Fantastic! Incredible! I absolutely love it!
Thank you ?


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Jason Bayliss

Tue 24th Sep 2019 13:24

I really enjoyed this Adam, light in all it's forms described so beautifully. Loved the descriptive elements and the more intuitive nod to illumination. The luminescence of sea algae storing and releasing light, just as we seek illumination and share it with others. Gotta love layers, layers are good. Love the poem, skillfully written.

J. x

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Ruth O'Reilly

Mon 23rd Sep 2019 12:49

I really enjoyed this Adam, I'm always so fascinated by how natural light reflects, changes our moods etc, I love how you have explored this in greater depth and presented it to us poetically. Many Thanks.I will listen to the audio next.

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Mon 23rd Sep 2019 06:22

Stunning poetry Adam. Thank you for sharing your gift. ?

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Adam Rabinowitz

Mon 23rd Sep 2019 05:51

Trying to think of how to juxtapose this one with yesterday's poem on darkness. It might work to put them on facing pages or even try to put them left justified and right justified so some lines of one are read then some lines of the other. Or maybe just have them stand alone the two poles of my ever revolving outlook on existence. Hope you enjoy the read or I have provided audio for an easier journey.

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