Daylight Robbery
Daylight Robbery
Conformity robbed me of my personal freedom
it took away my ambitions and desires
My talents were ignored as if they did not exist
and I allowed this to happen under my very nose
Time has passed by for there can be no recovery
I am not alone by any stretch of the imagination
Conformity, fear, conventions and tradition
with their societal prejudices stifled my soul
I was never permitted to be the real me
others knew better and sculptured me in their image
I am the burnt out wreck of others ambitions
I am not alone in these thoughts and regrets
I see flowers bloom and then gracefully die
given only sunlight and water to nourish them
Seldom are they ever violated or brutalised
I never came to fruition nor ever bloomed
What is the price of true freedom
Why do others always seek to control others
to make them into something they are not
I am not alone, sadly many more do roam
keith jeffries
Tue 1st Oct 2019 21:18
Thank you for your comment. Not too late, but I do rather feel like an autumn bloom.