The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Emilia Callahan

Updated: Wed, 16 Oct 2019 01:53 pm

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I'm a fiction-writer-turned-poet who, for some strange reason has chosen to have a career in real estate, an industry with which I have a volatile, love-hate relationship. I also enjoy drinking too much coffee, swimming in the Pacific Ocean, and listening to rap music when I have road rage in traffic.

walls of glass

on the cusp of dreams passing whispered notes of Iloveyous we pretend there is nothing keeping us apart but a wall of glass separates us pressing palms against its surface our hands mirror a broken embrace fingertips trace corrugated waves across our reflections sunset casts rainbow fractals blurring our faces, each wavelength a mirror echoing our image around in circles, wrapping our glass in technicolor ribbons we tie over in knots pulled taut by our resistance to let go of their fraying ends, in the same way we refuse to collapse our memories our light shatters the glass, unraveling it into shards scattered around our feet rainbow fractals shine upward, our reflection sparkling like stars inside their light spread out beneath us the gentleness in your eyes no longer lost behind shimmery gloss of my own our palms pressed together your skin warm beneath my touch

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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John Marks

Wed 20th Nov 2019 19:46

sunset casts rainbow fractals
blurring our faces,

This is a poem as much about a recurring vision as it is about the struggles to love. 'Fractal' is such an apposite choice, trapped in a recurring pattern, wanting to break out into singularity, restrained by the heavy weight of romantic myth. "A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. Driven by recursion, fractals are images of dynamic systems – the pictures of Chaos."


Thu 14th Nov 2019 10:15

thanks for reading "Dear Valued Customer"
i hope you had as much fun reading it
as I had writing it.

Emilia Callahan

Mon 21st Oct 2019 13:32

Cynthia, I remember that one! Portrait of the Moon. Beautiful piece.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sun 20th Oct 2019 15:09

Re. my recent 'Moon Poem'. I hope you're going 'to play with the image'. I'd love to see the result. ( I honestly can't think of the precise title - Good Grief!)

Emilia Callahan

Fri 18th Oct 2019 13:42

Don, yes! I'm a basket case, hahaha.

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Don Matthews

Wed 16th Oct 2019 14:26

Golly gosh! Amelia Call
Poet/job in real estate?
Volatile? Yes I do like
Real estate? you say love/hate?

Golly gosh! Amelia Call
You indeed are a mixture gal...?


Sat 5th Oct 2019 10:23

thanks for reading my poem
I just hope you are not addicted.
if so, seek treatment in
Write Out Loud.


Thu 3rd Oct 2019 10:28

thank you Emilia for reading "Big Toe".
Now you know what
fine poetry looks like.


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Wed 25th Sep 2019 22:46

Welcome to WOL Emilia! It's a perfect playground for your muse. I'm looking forward to reading your poetry. You're off to a great start. Write on!

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