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Climate Hysteria is Spreading – Helped Along by Eco-Messiah Greta Thunberg

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Climate Hysteria is Spreading – Helped Along by Eco-Messiah Greta Thunberg


Climate hysteria is spreading

Reason will soon be extinct

Indisputable facts they don't matter

To alarmists and journalists (both linked)


Journalists interviewing alarmists

Don't ask for their evidence, the facts

So all blindly believe in these catastrophists

Then rise up, join forces to act


This hysteria has become a religion

Which is why the Church of Sweden has come out

And tweeted eco-messiah Greta Thunberg

Is the “Successor of Jesus Christ” they do tout


Alarmist Michael Mobbs has fled Sydney

Warning it could collapse in three years

When water and food both have run out

(Gosh, all I can say is oh dear.....)



Having written the 'Mobbs Bible to the End of the Earth' (kept bedside and read nightly by Mobbs eco-devotees) he predicts the collapse of cities within 5 years.

Google for nearest Mobbs Bible supplier.


Don Matthews October 2019



Reactions to Church of Sweden tweet


The Church of Sweden has a history of promulgating climate alarmism and Greta Thunberg in particular.


Others had a more sarcastic spin on the tweet. "Should you now abandon the celebration of Jesus' birthday and start celebrating Greta Thunberg's birthday instead?" one person said. "After all, we members must know who is the Savior we should worship and pay homage to."


"Time and time again I ask myself: when was the Swedish church kidnapped by left-wing extremists?" one user wrote.


Church of Sweden


"Dear twitter, If we have hurt someone we apologize, it has never been our meaning. Our meaning has been to talk about Jesus Christ in our own way. Now we leave the arena. Thank you for your commitment, joy and debate. God bless you! Jonas Persson, ward pastor."



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Don Matthews

Sat 12th Oct 2019 08:00

Our climate IS changing, as it has done for centuries (?). Nature sees to that. And man has gone with the flow. No choice. But the Industrial Revolution changed the balance and we went gung ho (and still are) into it. Don't get me wrong, I know all the benefits and advancements this has given us but we have left a trail of environmental damage along the way. It's time to listen and take the science seriously and repair the damage.

Hysteria, media-seeking attention and it's disruption of daily life will not help the cause.

Eco-messiah (and "successor to Jesus Christ") Greta Thunberg said she she should be back at home, in school.(see my last post). The presenter in the video said there was just one thing she said he did agree with - she should be home being looked after, and at school, learning the scientific facts.....

<Deleted User> (22444)

Sat 12th Oct 2019 05:11

As an environmental scientist the level of ignorance on this issue alarms me. We have literally a half century of very sound science on this - and it's far more robust than some of the medical science stories people are happy to take for granted with hardly a challenge. Trust me - as science funding goes, environmental science gets very little funding in comparison to medical science. I put it to you Don - if we move to a cleaner economy that does not rely on fossil fuels, what's the harm? Sure there will be an economic transition and hardship for some... as it was for blacksmiths when we traded horses for cars in the industrial revolution. The BIG losers will be those who are funding much of the anti- climate change rhetoric. Eg. Coal, oil and gas industry. It's exactly the same tactics used by the tobacco industry years ago. On the other hand, we will have much less air pollution ( the biggest killer worldwide) and a cleaner world. If climate change is real ( and it IS) and we don't act, the consequences are dire.

I should add that - working at a university, we find that some of the biggest supporters of climate science are farmers who have seen the changes occurring in their lifetime. When once they could turnover two growing seasons a year they now struggle with one. If you are keen to learn more without the hype, I'm happy to oblige. ?

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Don Matthews

Sat 12th Oct 2019 04:11

I have a sneaking feeling that these 'activists' are doing it not for their cause but for publicity and media attention. Bit like politicians?......?

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 12th Oct 2019 01:55

Why wasn't I too surprised by the news just reported that actress
and activist of old - Jane Fonda - had turned up at a climate protest
in Washington and got herself - very publicly - arrested. Hanoi Jane
has moved to centre stage again!

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lynn hahn

Fri 11th Oct 2019 18:38

Ahhh the American way. Focus on freaking out rather than just looking at the problem and focussing on solutions. Seems drama is a worldwide past time.

Good piece my friend love your supporting clips.

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Don Matthews

Tue 8th Oct 2019 14:46


Here is a 'possible explanation' as to who is funding and pulling the strings of Greta Thunberg. It was a guest post. Source link below.

But if you think that Greta’s parents are the only ones pulling the strings on poor disadvantaged Greta, then you would be wrong. The real puppeteers are the “One Foundation”.

Who is the One Foundation, I hear you ask? Remember the song “One” by U2? The One Foundation was set up by none other than Bono, who was previously accused, much like the Clinton Foundation, of using a charity to line his own pockets, with Bono taking 99% of the charity donations. Some of that charity money is going to fund climate activism; the rest, presumably, funds Bono.

If you think that Greta being funded by a Bono run charity is bad enough, you ain’t heard nothing yet! Bono has also joined with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and…George Soros, to push Greta Thunberg as the new face of global climate change rebellion.

So there we have it: the real money behind the global push for climate change, with Greta Thunberg as their talking head, is a consortium of Bono, Bill Gates and George Soros, people who clearly don’t give a toss about using a poor autistic girl to push their radical climate agenda.

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 8th Oct 2019 14:08

I ask this question (so far not addressed by any media I know).
WHO funds the travels, promotion and appearances of 16 year old
Greta Thunberg? In short, WHO is pulling her strings?
As for the subject of climate change in a general sense, there is no
doubt that the climate fluctuates over the history can tell
us. In my lifetime, I've seen the "gospel" being preached in ever-
changing ways - from the dangers of "abandoned fridges" (CFCs)
to man-made smoke and gases. Very little is reported about the
enormous effect of the activities noted on the sun that directly
affect the weather patterns creating violent storms over oceans,
or the volcanic emissions that pump out their products in quantities
that dwarf human output. Remember the panic stories about the
"ozone hole" over the Antarctic and how it was growing to signify
the dangerous effects caused by (very distant!) humanity. Now
little is reported of the news that it's shrinking (fluctuating?) in
size but that doesn't fit in with the "scare" scenario that is being
pushed out these days.
Back to my question, but in a more general sense - WHO is pulling the strings?

<Deleted User> (9882)

Tue 8th Oct 2019 12:44

definitely a hear! hear! worthy piece Don, well done matey!

Rose ?

Ghazala Lari

Tue 8th Oct 2019 10:14

Yes, most of the things you write are important but unusual. I would never dare to venture in that zone. Can't imagine writing a poem on such issues. I liked your poem on fishes eating plastics in seas and oceans. Most of your works are unusually excellent.

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Don Matthews

Tue 8th Oct 2019 09:57

I write serious pieces like this to raise awareness of what people (including myself) may not know....

Ghazala Lari

Tue 8th Oct 2019 09:24

You bring the current issues in a subtle way. Arousing curiosity and concern at the same time. This issue has several issues to talk in itself. I hope the right people get the right feel out of it.
Great write!!

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