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Feeling down
because my muse
abandoned me again.
Maybe to teach me
another lesson
about leaning on him,
instead of mining inspiration
from deep within.
Seeking satisfaction
outside ourselves
is perhaps the greatest sin.
It is a game no one wins.
So, back to the blank page I go.
Just me and my pen.


abandoneddepressioninspirationlife lessonsmuserelationshipswriting

◄ Betrayed

Willpower and Discipline ►


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Fri 1st Nov 2019 02:23

Thanks Fred. I can relate! ?

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Don Matthews

Wed 16th Oct 2019 10:21

Back to the blank page
Fred, off you go
Wait for a Muse-strike
Could be fast/slow

Be patient. She will eventually strike. Make sure pen and paper at the ready.... ?

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Fred Nicholson

Wed 16th Oct 2019 05:09

Vautaw, I reflected on 'Abandoned' deeply and feel thank-full. My muses come through fingertips, from within-out. They are not present all the time, but then, neither am I.

"So, back to the blank page I go."
"Just me and my pen."

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Fri 11th Oct 2019 23:36

KEATS?! I think I love you Kate! Thank you for stopping by and making my day! ? I agree, the muse never completely goes away.

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Fri 11th Oct 2019 23:09

Thanks Don. Your humor always brings a smile. "Rent-a-Muse" I think you have a million dollar idea there!

<Deleted User> (22444)

Fri 11th Oct 2019 23:07

You are very Keats-like in your demeanor V and look what he achieved. Great poem. I too have lost my muse physically but he is still there in every word I pen. ?

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Fri 11th Oct 2019 23:06

I sometimes wonder if it is a requirement for creative types to explore the depths of our emotions, take on surrounding energies, feel everything intensely... so that we can pour those observations into our art. It's either that or we need to get out more! Travel, see the world, help the poor. Whatever gets us out of our head.

John, your poetry never fails to inspire me. Thank you for gracing my page with your presence. Let's continue to lift each other up and write on my friend. ?

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Don Matthews

Fri 11th Oct 2019 22:58

Hey Vau? You could put me on your desk as one silly Aussie with an answer to everything. Here's my quote contribution for your collection

"If I can't put a smile on your face I have failed as a poet" ?

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Don Matthews

Fri 11th Oct 2019 22:53

Don't fret Vau, mine went off on my bike once (pre-Thalia, she would never do this to me, the darling). Back to my previous one. I hired her from a Rent-a-Muse shop. Fatal mistake Vau. Never fall into that 'trap of desperation'. They were a bit shonky. I shoulda listened to you Graham. You did warn me. But Graham I said, I'm desperate, and they're going cheap. Anyhow Vau, she disappeared. Took my bike and all. But I'm not helping your situation am I?

Take Graham's advice Vau. It's good.

John - Brian's right. You are indeed Quote City......?

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Fri 11th Oct 2019 22:47

Good point and great quote Graham... A blank page will out stare you every time! That's one to put on my desk to keep top of mind and add to my collection of legendary writer quotes! ?

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John Marks

Fri 11th Oct 2019 22:36

I've been down too - down in a stew (informal in singular A state of great anxiety or agitation.) Which I, too often, am in these days but your facility with words, to such a pithy effect - well, what the heck, perked me up, no end. Intelligence does that. Thank you.

No spring, nor summer beauty hath such grace, As I have seen in one autumnal face. John Donne

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 11th Oct 2019 16:09

Never sit and look at a blank page V. Better look out of the window or read a book, listen to the lyrics of a favourite or new song, anything but a blank page, it'll outstare you every time.


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