Second Childhoods
As we enter
our second childhood
we become like kids again
finally free to do what we want
with fewer obligations
and far less responsibility
we don't have to report to work
we don't have to make decisions
and we don't have to apologize
we can be as free as children
and enjoy simple things
like ice cream and doughnuts
bare feet
the smell of roses
like sleeping in
or playing games
laughing and acting silly
children are in fact
what we should have remained
fountains of joy and freedom
we enter our second phase of life
with the enthusiasm of kids
let loose from school for the summer
we couldn't care less about the consequences
we can erase the blackboard of the past
to be carefree once again
without punishment or penance
no one can put us in a corner
or shame us by telling our parents
who by the way
had second childhoods of their own
but kept the secret to themselves
afraid that someone would find out
how much fun they were having
being kids again.
M.C. Newberry
Thu 6th Feb 2020 15:59
Ice cream and doughnuts - and similar sweeties?
Not if you're diagnosed with pre-diabetes! ?