The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 10th Jan 2017 12:31

It's terrific to have you back in the North. And active.

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Jeff Dawson

Thu 28th Jan 2016 19:46

Hi Steve, great to hear from you! Fine mate, hope you're good, thanks for you comment on Diggers poem, its written as a poem, did it as I was compering Diggers festival, but potential as a song as you say, will have a look at it. Hope all good. I am in Wakefield doing a gig with Ian whiteley on afternoon of sat 20 feb if you fancy it, cheers and all the best, Jeff

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<Deleted User> (7075)

Fri 10th Sep 2010 00:29

Hi Steve... Well Done with Sale WOL. I have been 3 times but before it was elevated to its present level of popularity by your good self. Good luck with the teaching career and hopefully see you at freed up or similar soon. Win

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Bernadette Herbertson

Thu 8th Jul 2010 21:43

Hi Steve long time no see it's Bernadette Herbertson here. Just to let you know I am back on form now after some personal problems led me to my long absence from cosy writers and wol. a belated thank you for your encouragement regards my creative are a top bloke ! I have submitted some work on wol and am pleased to let you know that I am getting some good comments and feedback.Hope to see you soon ..take care..bernadette x x

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Joshua Coates

Sat 5th Jun 2010 23:48

Hi, it's josh from poetry pillow the other night. Thank you for being so warm and welcoming for a first timer.
Shall be seeing you at the next freed up! =D

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<Deleted User> (7963)

Mon 22nd Mar 2010 22:10

"The consequences of a dirty weekend" Love the ending x

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John Turner

Sat 20th Feb 2010 13:09

Great rhymes in DW. I esp. like the half-rhyme of dismissive and kisses. The poem paints a strong character profile, down to the domestic chores which only narrowly keep one from wallowing in regret and the knowledge of how past affects present. Good work.

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Emma McCourty

Fri 27th Nov 2009 11:56

Steve (its Emma from Mondays writing group) saw you on the front page of the website and thought id pop over to say Hi. This piece is amazing! it blew me away! love the whole feel of the piece, such amazing ambience of the night time and the morning. Fantastic stuff! see you soon! Take care, em.

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Jeff Dawson

Wed 27th May 2009 17:21

Thanx Steve, and thanx again for asking me, I really enjoyed it. It was a great audience and I enjoyed interacting, think that went really well and remembered my words! Appreciate the feedback I got from you, Dom and few others.

It was a great night, well done, thought your compering was excellent too, good timing and poems, cheers see ya soon Jeff

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Paul F Blackburn

Wed 13th May 2009 11:12

Sorry Steve, i forgot to thank you for commenting on 'Imagine that' - cheers

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Fri 1st May 2009 03:06

Oui Steve, je pense que c'était une photo pris par Lee Miller : )

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Jeff Dawson

Wed 1st Apr 2009 20:35

Hi Steve, cheers for comment, glad you like those lines, was dead chuffed when I came up with them!

We sing from the same hymn sheet mate! see ya soon, Jeff

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<Deleted User> (5646)

Tue 31st Mar 2009 18:11

Hi Steve,
just want to say thanks very much for commenting one of my profile poems. I accept it as a great compliment from you.
I do try to get it right even though it might appear to some that i have no respect for the finer details of poetic mechanics.
much obliged,

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Mia Darlone

Sun 22nd Mar 2009 11:15

No don't shut up - your points are very helpful! Thank you for taking the time to read and disect.

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winston plowes

Wed 25th Feb 2009 22:55

Hi Steve

Thank for reading and your coments re- Decree Nisi, most appreciated.


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Andy N

Fri 9th Jan 2009 21:34

Hi Steve - Cheers for the comments over 'Perfect Place' - I must admit it is probably my personal fav poem, so clearly you have good taste! I've only ever read it live about two or three times probably because of the serious and deeply nature off it! The girl I wrote it about ages ago seriously cried when she read it, so clearly I did something right with it.

If I can build up the courage - I could well read this out at Freed Up next time, even though it is not about parties! lol

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<Deleted User> (4072)

Tue 25th Nov 2008 18:22

Hello Steve. So sorry to keep missing Freed Up, because I really do love it. I do keep telling people how good it is, tho...

You read the 'bankers' poem at the Deaf Institute gig, didn't you? I know I've seen you read it recently-ish, and loved it. One of the best readings I've seen you do.

Thank you for the foxy comment. It's one of my favourites, and worked quite well considering it was written in about half an hour. I do quite like foxes, even tho they ate our chickens.
Well, their heads...

But it's ok, cos now we have more chickens. Hurrah!

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Belinda Johnston

Tue 11th Nov 2008 13:07

Dear Steve,

Thank you very much for your comments about my Dad poem.

Ta very much for picking me up on my spelling too, I'm a bit lazy like that sometimes, oops.

Thank you for the feedback again.

And No, you can't come to Japan, sorry mate !! :)

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Mia Darlone

Thu 6th Nov 2008 22:56

Ta for your comment. Yeah, 'what now.......' Agree with point re cliches - didn't really think of it, just wrote what was messing my head up. Anyway, if you mess things up you have something to write about. And if there was nothing to mess up in the first place then you look like a twat for writing such a poem!

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<Deleted User> (5588)

Wed 5th Nov 2008 22:05

Oh Fuckin ell, I forgot the bleedin caftan. You clever sod.
Can you dig me one of them graves? Barry's only 9 months so I'll give you a quid. 2 quids a rip off.
Yeah, see ya on the bench, grab us some chips will ya. No vinegar - it well mings.

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Jeff Dawson

Fri 19th Sep 2008 23:44

Hi Steve, great to see you tonight, loved the set, well timed and great content, see you soon, cheers Jeffarama!

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Jeff Dawson

Wed 27th Aug 2008 17:41

Hi Steve! was gonna let you know I'd blogged it but you beat me to it!

Please be assured I've no Robbie in my collection!! You can sleep easy!! You have to put something in for the girls!!

Yes a quite eclectic colletion, mainly punk and new wave but some more main stream stuff like U2, REM Pink Floyd etc. Recently I must be getting soft or more poetic, like Amy McDonald!!

Love music and spent my life going to gigs.

Thanks for comment, see you soon, Jeff

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Mia Darlone

Tue 24th Jun 2008 12:34

The follow up is already done - it's a film called 'X-rayted' about an amorous Radiographer.
I do like your idea, but I think Morris dancing with sex would be even better - pinning each other up against the pole, using the ribbons for restraint purposes and so on.

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<Deleted User> (5984)

Tue 6th May 2008 09:56

Oh steve

You charmer you...thank you for your lovely comments.


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Mia Darlone

Wed 30th Apr 2008 15:07

Mirrored ceiling. Glad you enjoyed my latest offerings - I trust I shall see you in the audience of my play 'Below the Belt' in July?! (Will start some major plugging once venue confirmed). See you at FREED UP.

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Sun 13th Apr 2008 01:14

So, do you love her or hate her in "Robots Built the Moon"? Its a complex piece displayed as being lighthearted: I really enjoyed it reguardless!!!

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Mia Darlone

Mon 14th Jan 2008 12:27

I love the idea about shooting an audience member! I also think it would be very stylish to don a shell suit at the end of my performance and then drop a lighted match into the hood.

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Mia Darlone

Thu 13th Dec 2007 13:06

Steve, I have no idea what you're referring to - making out that my poetry about a sacred stringed instrument has some sort of hidden sexual meaning - I'm very disappointed in you. And offended for that matter.
I shall be speaking to the chief executive to report your abuse.

Comment is about Steve O'Connor (poet profile)

Original item by Steve O'Connor

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