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The Light

The light inside me shining,
Butterflies are flying.
My nerves are at their peak,
The thought makes me weak.

Like climbing a mountain,
The reward will feel so great.
The aches and pains keep shouting,
"Turn back," but it's too late.

All the pain is worth it.
At the top is where you see,
The beauty of the mountain
and all it's scenery.

Nature is amazing,
A type of therapy.

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Love Yourself

I'm my own worst enemy,
It's funny how that works.
To see nothing great in me,
To question, "what's my worth?"

Looking in the mirror,
All I see is filth,
But the mirror isn't dirty,
It's just the figures spilth.

People try to compliment me,
But I only disagree,
Not seeing what they see,
They must say not what they mean.

I need more motivation.
My job is nothing great.
I need to...

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lifeloveself loveself worth

Tap, Tap, tapping My Way

I’m caught up in the fog

I’ve got my hands out

Feeling my way like a blind man in a haze

Tap, tap, tapping my way along,

Through life.


I don’t really know what I’m looking for

But I keep searching

I’m like a blind man fumbling in the dark

And I sometimes think I need an instruction book

So I can be flick, flick, flicking,

Through life.


There are times; I ...

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I'm a Pencil

I'm a pencil, HB
A finer pencil you never did see
But, constant sharpening is killing me
What's the alternative to be?
Left in a drawer with an absence of light?
With nothing to do, can't put up a fight
Rather be out, for all to see
I do hope that life keeps sharpening me
I'm a pencil HB.


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They come from far

Blind, I grown blind.

No color, no light.


Pain, I felt pain.

No matter, no gain.


Looking through the mirror glass,

things happen afar.

Taking notion of them,

as they were part.


There's no true,

there's no lie,

everything stays shy.


Scream, scream for those who can't.


Deaf, I am deaf.

No sound, no play.


Help, they need help.


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Social ObservationspoemcriticismlifeConcernpeople and actions


I'll jump over the moon for you

I'll give you a diamond ring

Those were the words that went thru my head

when you convinced me to lay with you in your bed


Were they lies

Were you the wolf

looking for your lamb


You are the one

was your song

let me inside


My heart was so empty

it cried for love

I allowed you to enter

my most treasured gift


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Anti-climatical paradox

 It is an anti-climactical relapse into the repression and suppression of life. 

You'll be on a cloud of positivity held in the captivity of optimism. 

And then as if your minds been hit by a tun of bricks that indicate the euphemism of the candidness of reality.


 As you get older you realise that the higher you climb the further it is to fall, 

so you get indecisive between the f...

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Paradoxanticlimaxhappinesscontentmentrealitylovelifeeuphemismsuccessfailurejourneytechnologyglobalisationmodern life

Formidable Love

After a heartbreak you never thought would surpass 

After definitively stating you would never allow yourself to be in a position of vulnerability again 

After truly giving up on the idea of love 

Letting a person in again is terrifying 


Allowing someone the capability to destroy you further

But trusting them not to

Delegating your feelings, sharing your secrets and ultimate...

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rudely interrupted

It is the assumption that people tend to reflect and contemplate in the dawn of the night 

When noones awake to hear the sorrow in your sobs

When it's too dark to see the weakness in your eyes 

And your lonliness enables your imprisoned vulnerability to surface 


But what happens when this negativity suddenly seep its way into the happenings of your everyday life 

When these mor...

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Bohemian Rhapsody

To live free
Not on dirty streets
Full of bigotry
Where you're spit upon
With worst of insults
Where the spoiled brat's vomit
Hits face and smarts weary eyes
Where the filthy rich's neatly groomed French poodle
Pisses and shits upon your humanity

To live free
Not in a shelter for the homeless
Where urine-perfumed air stings the nostrils
And freshly released vomit smells like stale ju...

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A Life's Worth

My right hand...
For all that I do
My left hand...
For what's left to do

Both my hands...
For the sands

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A Life's Wish

May you wake today
To see light of day
To hear nightingale
When you're feeling stale

May you rise
With sunrise
And seize the day
Without dismay

May you awaken
Feeling unshaken
And start a smile
For a long while

May you forever love
And feel being loved
May you follow your inner wisdom
And be guided to only success

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I'm lying awake at 3am

Why am I never intoxicated with positivity? 

Why aren't I a fountain of enthusiasm?

Why can't I see the euphemistic light in this unilluminated darkness?


I'm lying awake at 3am

All of my uncertainties are overwhelming 

The formidable anxiety I've become acclimated with seeps in through open wounds

And yet I've learned to find tranquility in this res...

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3amaloneanxietiesanxietycant sleepcomfortablecontentmentdark nights alonedepressiondreamslifelonelinesslonelylovethoughtsworries

Too Much Time

Too much time spent on not really knowing what's going on,

Here but wanting to be there,

There but worrying if I care,

Flirting on the peripharies of fitting,

Electricity rises up in my brain where frustration reigns,

Dishonest pockets grow and grow with the weight of days,

Until I am left with a lifeless gaze. 

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Dear Stranger

Dear stranger, I bet you don’t know you’re a hero.

Dear stranger do you realize you saved me.

Dear stranger, the moment you stopped me and asked “are you okay” is the same moment I no longer wanted to die.

Dear stranger, how did you know I was in so much pain, how did you know I was so lonely. Dear stranger, did you know I was going home to die.

Dear stranger, the look of concern is st...

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lifesuicidesadnessit does get better


Why does this world try to make me insane?
So much hate, to much anger and pain.

How can this world possibly heal?
When we don't even care how our fellow humans feel.

All these campaigns to stop smoking and drinking,
Why not campaign to stop hurting , start thinking.

Inside this huge universe we share such a small world,
Please human beings, stand up, be bold.

Smile at strangers an...

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I don't remember exactly when they came
I don't know why they came or where they were before they arrived
They have been here before
They are all too familiar
They have settled in comfortably around my soul
Grey, cold, ambiguous
They bring gifts of self-loathing, fear, emptiness
They are elusive, fluid, always on the prowl
They slip thru the reason and logic of my mind
Free to wreak hav...

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You're the Captain

A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor. 
Don't panic.
Stay calm, or you're headed straight for failure.
Trust yourself.
Confidence is key when you're at the helm.
Take charge.
Be sure to find peace in this realm. 

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LifesailingMetaphorinto my mind

Adolencia- from my new collection MUMB


They are going to bend minds-

they’ve thought of all kinds of things that we have never seen,

they will sustain environments and grow fruit in arid deserts

they will go to great and unseen efforts to save the planet,

they’ll shape this world into the word FRIEND.

Starvation will end and they will study the moon

and its correlation to the womb and will study women from cradle...

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I've never seen this look in your eye,

It's over, finally, it's over

And we hold that truth deep inside

So tonight,

Hold me tighter than you ever have,

Kiss me sweeter and love me harder.

And we will cry,

But it's ok.

We're not broken,

And even if we are,

From tomorrow on, I'll carry every piece of us With me in my soul.

So give me one last memory,


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Please Don't Grow Up

We all couldn't wait

To grow up, to get out

To fully understand

What the world was about

Only to find

On the other side

The beauty we saw

As a child, had died

The day turned to night

The blue turned to gray

The innocence of life

Had faded away.

So many dreams

Now seem cast down

Remember when difficult

Meant choosing marker or crayon?

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growing olderpoetrylovepoemshort poemexperiencelife

Too busy to live

We're always looking,

Searching, reaching

For the next thing,

Person, place

That maybe,

We miss the things 

That really matter

Only to find

At the end 

Of our lives 

That we've never 

Really lived.



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Merle Gibson: Rose from the Dead

When Merle died it was a sorry affair.

After hating us all her life 

she wanted to be close with us in the end. 

Lol, who had always seen the good in her

brought her back to life briefly on the last day,

which had shown how much he meant to her I suppose.


But cats are only meant to last a certain amount of time-

less than what should be a life time,

more than some marr...

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To love

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Hypothetically speaking I want to be happy. & that is the only objective I'll pursue. Machination and epiphanies may aid in the constitution of strategies that'll supposively enable me to achieve delectation and felicity, But ultimately what makes you happy? Money, materials? - No. Not at all. Tangible goods can't remunerate and compensate for the emptiness of your soul. Possessions can only stren...

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guilty pleasuresguruHappinesslifephilosophysocialismsystemthoughts

The flow does not like the sun

The flower has a best friend

That does not like the sun

The flower thinks everything will be good

Because the flow does not want to lose its partner

If love for the sun is so strong

The burning heat will last

But the fact your own friend won't except the light

And decides to sit in the cold and not grow

Love can show but not in a childish manner

To where civilized manner...

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Friendship withstanding time!

The day you guys came along
I would never forget that D-day
We defined the word friends in a new way
Without you guys around, I would be on a highway.

How well could words describe our friendship
even pictures are just an indication
The story behind these pictures so precious
that I am eagerly waiting for times ahead.

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Stolen Sleep

The Fact of no naps no snaps or snap backs

To wake you up from the fact you were never sleep

Can't sleep for the time you weep but seep

Into the fact that you can't sleep

Wanting to have dreams and past a test with ease

But I can't sleep

There has been a robbery where sleep doesn't reflect on eat

From the fact eat didn't take care of sleep

To where somebody has stolen eat a...

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internal strugglelifenosleepsleep


The calm that I seek,

Still blue sea,

Anxious waves that crash over me,

Making me hardy to future attack,

The peace that I seek is setting me back


Maybe it doesn't exist?

Maybe that is where my peace lies? 

In accepting that it can't be sought?

Is it already here?


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Sea Dreams

Barefoot she walks along the beach 
Retracing lost memories in ripples of sand
The murmur of the surf plays in her ears like muffled 
notes bowed on a cello
the sun drips down behind 
the cobalt waves casting shadows to equal those of 
her longest night 
Hushed colours paint her skin in hues of poignancy, 
her heart beats in rhythm with the tide as she glides
through the surf
Footprints ...

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How do I say it?

20 years to see
The world encompass all.
Its' messiness unbearable,
But when I caught your voice,
Its' sweetness a dulling touch.
The world and its' massive wildness,
Disappeared all to dust.

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lovevoicelifedifficultyunbearablesoulheartFrom the heart


Without her I am nothing
Comparable to Christmas with a light dusting
I feel incomplete
I just need to hear her speak
To feel the brush of her skin,
To feel The warmth of her breath as our lips come to a close
I love her to an extent she'll never know
Young lovers caught in turmoil
Only finding hope in each other 
I pray to our God that we're together 


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LovelifeYoung Lovewinter

Old & New

Shuttles soar with seemingly unprecendented motion.
The children's eyes gaze to the floor.
The ground is green and brown and yellow.
The world below cannot bellow.

Bellow whole-heartedly,
Sing and hum its' tune.
A melody, sweet melody.
A rotation for all of you.

Its' sweet chillness pressed against the nostrils,
Its' gentle warmth against the skin.
Allow the gaze of the star above,

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 A cup of emotion, that’s what I am

I pour it out, upon your hands

I’ve never been the one for that, you’ve changed me

before you I was nothing

My life made of constantly bluffing

It’s difficult to open up

To be, this little cup

You’ve helped to put me in my place

You’ve Helped me through this little race

Although I’ve thrown you for a loop

You’ve always seemed to com...

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If living for subsisting

or existing to survive


Purpose stays elusive

any sense can’t derive


Going about in vortex

moving at  rapid pace


No time for indulgence

in own personal space


Stuck in same tedium

since been on to avoid


On face near amiable

 but zest seems devoid


In inferred conspiracy

end's nowhere in sight


No choi...

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At Least

No matter how harsh the road might be

At least I walk upon it

No matter how harsh the last day was

At least the next day greets me


No matter how dark the day might be

At least there is still day

No matter how deluded, horrible,

Sadistic or rude people are

At least there are still people


No matter how they might make me feel

At least I can still feel

No ma...

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At LeastPoemLifeMotivation


It is an anti-climactical relapse into the repression and suppression of life. You'll be on a cloud of positivity held in the captivity of optimism. And then as if your minds been hit by a tun of bricks that indicate the euphemism of the candidness of reality. As you get older you realise that the higher you climb the further it is to fall, so you get indecisive between the fear of failure and the...

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"Don't Let this Life pass you"

Don't let this life pass you by,

Seek the Lord, break down and cry

He'll lift you up, He'll fill your cup

Yes even though the heart's corrupt

He'll change you from the inside out

Now isn't that what it's all about

God changing us from day to day

Like a figure from a lump of clay

The choice is ours to obey

The choice is ours to kneel and pray

If only we would trust His...

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The Background Guy


That ongoing story that I call my life

Is nothing but a total tangled mess.

It’s a disaster area; a no-go zone,

And sometimes I feel like staying at home.


It’s a rambling narrative with a spot of romance,

Love and sadness and elements of chance.

The day will come when all will be resolved,

And the pain and sadness will just dissolve.


If you see the film versi...

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The Rain

The stream becomes the river

The river becomes the sea

And the rain that washes over me

Washes into the sea.


For you are my rain,

My river and my stream

And I am the fisherman

Who loves you in his dreams.


So when I wake I’ll hold you

And take away your pain

Love can wash the pain away

Like dust in the pouring rain.


The stream becomes the river


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Failed Buddha

Life must be held suspended in a glance

That moves backwards, forwards, holding

Your life together, ceaselessly

Reminding that you are

Something; this thing.


You stop looking: You fall

From a vacant gaze

Into vacant skies

Or even less.


That time is now and truth outside

You can assent to abstractly,


While the watchman in your eyes


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Faces are dull, lamps are lit, 
The room is black and I am alone, 
Dreaming something but reality is different, 
I don't know what's going to happen 

I didn't know what will I do 
Stand upon the stool
Or see in a mirror like a fool, 
But I said to myself, 'I have to be cool'

Nothing seems to be different, 
As I follow the same me, 
I have no difference nor glee in me.

Everyone has...

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