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self-loathing (Remove filter)

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Every time you ask me a question I nod my head,

I’d rather be lying than dead.

“Do you believe in god, are your priorities straight?”

Stop treating me like I’m eight.


Every time you say “I love you” Is it really true?

Or am I dreaming of normal parents,

A better version of you.


The yelling is constant and won’t stop.

All the daggers you stabbed me with are sharp.


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In The Foyer Of Hotel Lonely

Being lonely is so wearing

Eyes averted fingers drum

Lasering of furtive glances

Pain of self-conscious hum


Repressed passion lashes

Barricades vast but hidden

Terror of getting through

Fears that come unbidden


Desire versus inhibition

Self-image sorely racked

By corroded self-esteem

Egos that failure hacked


Behaviours only reinforce


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charadehotel lonelyinhibitionpassionself-esteemself-loathing

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