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My wish-Happy new year

My wish -Happy new year

Thursday, 30th December 2021

What shall be my wish?

What shall be the words to finish?

I know nothing about the entire world?

some unknown fears unfold!

"Wish all, Happy new year day" my conscious is told

this must come from all

rise and become tall

no disgrace when faces a fall

let everybody have a resolve to scale walls

let march be contin...

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Qhat makes you lose?

What makes you lose?

Thursday,30th Dec 2021






become your boss

put a toss

in air to choose

they become your master

path, guide and teacher

they give you sense of an alert

how to take part in concert!

loss or gain

status remains same

both have feelings

as human beings

losses make you grim

gain ...

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Mirror of thought-Poet

Mirror of thoughts-Poet

Tuesday,28th Dec, 2021

The poet can't be hated

his peace efforts must be appreciated

look not at his presentation

but at the effort with an imagination

the heart is mirror of thoughts

it never gets caught with

controversy or criticism

but gets a name for humanism

peace is a dead concept

nobody envies an interest

a poet tries his level bes...

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Less struggle

Less struggle

Tuesday,21st Dec, 2021


it can only be appreciated

if remains related

and get updated


it can finish

on strong foot

if it has strong root

if you fear

for doing good and bear

some apprehensions

it shall never have good revelation

human relation

if maintained with satisfaction

it forms strong foundations

and remains firm in ...

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Rose fragrance

Rose fragrance

Monday,20th Dec,2021

You come across rose fragrance

that spreads in life only once

you go deep under the magic spell

and reveal within

What a scene!

simple touch

reaches inner core of heart

making you weave human art

with a vow to become an inseparable part

and never to part

fragrance or smell

it tells

you are meant for each other

always ...

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If the wind

If the wind

Monday.20th Dec, 2021

If the wind is not favourable

don't challenge and struggle

if the wind has a high speed to create the hurdle in the journey

pay heed to an advice and not be in a hurry

life has the tendency to block

put your clock ahead of the time

plan in such a way that it creates no panic

your journey moves on and not remain static

with up trend


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Trust your ability

Trust your ability

Monday,20th Dec,2021

If the mind can be cooled

if the heart can be fooled

if the human mind can be lulled

Think about what can't be ruled!

if you have stability

and an ability

to convince anybody

it is all useful for a humanity

if mind is shaky

and can't remain steady

it can turn deadly

and can ruin you completely

train your gun

not t...

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I love peace

I Love peace

Thursday,16th Dec 2021


I love peace

and want to be at ease

no formula or option works

only words come to rescue


How can I have a rest in mind?

and find

a welcome with no troubles

I make a strong bid with struggle


one thing strikes constantly

the evils have taken refuge pernanently

with little greed, it makes prompt drive

it becomes...

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Not to be told

Not to be told

Thursday,16th Dec 2021


Love has no fold

it has its own world

nothing is to be told

love is always shining like gold


love is not to be expressed

but simply assessed

eyes may grip your attention

and this is how the relation is built


once entered

it is centered around

the heart beats increase

two souls merge and become one



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Tackle the problem

Tackle the problems

Thursday,9th Dec 2021

Kindness generates from home

so welcome

good beginning

and start defining your role

it is not the fall

or blocked by the wall

it is your willpower

that makes you step further

not what you did?

but what you achieved!

not how much you lived!

but how nicely you behaved

life might have posed problems

but how did you...

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Love has a action

love has action

with equal reaction

make contact with eyes

and fly with fancy

if the tongue fails to speak

the eyes make trick

make contact

and track the route

speak nothing

and bring something

mix it with flavour divine

bot don't feel the intoxicated

love has its own colour

protection, respect and honour

give, take and die for it

dream and live, follow...

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Poetry-deap ocean

Poetry-Deep ocean

Thursday,9th Dec 2021

Poetry is a deep ocean

with plenty of scenes

each one holding its uniqueness

and bring reality to the surface

when you write poetry!

your pen has blessings from an almighty

who pours all energy

to feel it divinely

who can write?

writer or poet!

the person having simple character

deep understanding and liberal views to o...

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Quest for knowledge

Quest for knowledge

Tuesday,7th Dec 2021

Yes, it is human nature

that makes sure

about the instinct in behaviour

to go in for the quest all over

the thirst is not quenched

and you have not reached

to the satisfactory level

and that augurs not well

we want to know many things

but that brings us nowhere

we are left dejected

and not really act...

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Feel not proud-Death

Feel not proud-Death

Tuesday,7th Dec 2021


you are garlanded with calm breath

we have faith, confidence and trust

we adore you with fear and mistrust

we all know

and go

by the simple assumption

you are a calm assassin

you take away the soul

with tactics and foul

give us no hint

and simply take out the death print

we laboured hard

collected and amas...

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Feel not proud-Death

Feel not proud-Death

Tuesday,7th Dec 2021


you are garlanded with calm breath

we have faith, confidence and trust

we adore you with fear and mistrust

we all know

and go

by the simple assumption

you are a calm assassin

you take away the soul

with tactics and foul

give us no hint

and simply take out the death print

we laboured hard

collected and amas...

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If I knew

If I knew

Tuesday,7th Dec 2021

If only I knew

when you flew

in the air

with little murmur

if I could sing

and bring

harmony in human nature

and show them a bright future

love and music

both form the basic

love is for the troubled mind

to find solace

if ever I could find a rhythm

with beautiful words in them

I will always sing

a song to bring love ...

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Rich culture

Rich culture

Saturday,4th Dec 2021

Old scriptures

it reminds us about culture

sculptures remind about the richness of heritage

and how people managed with the onslaught of time

one thing remains apparent

and presents

the rosy picture of past

and it has lasted till this time

we have strong faith

and belief remains till death

it is common knowledge

that we go t...

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Heavenly blessed woman

0t3ahg9l1po2t75oh51mmedl  · Shared with Public

Heavenly blessed-Woman

Saturday,4th Dec 2021

Heavenly blessed earth

it gives you refuge till death

easy living with calm breath

confidence3 building with strong faith

God created a creature

bestowed with kind nature

always helpful with dedication

faithful and considered as an incarnation

Alas! nor our eyes could ap...

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Touch the ground

Touch the ground

Saturday,4th Dec 2021

Keep feet firmly touched

on the ground to reach

beyond the sky

with powerful wings to fly

use your imagination as wings

and try to bring

some harmony

for the benefit of humanity

everything is for us

so trust

and have a faith

without fear of a death

no artificial output

as we all know it is shut

for the practical...

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Crucial test

Crucial test

Wednesday,1st December 2021

Let the whole world turn against

I shall do my best

and face the life's crucial test

and leave rest to an almighty

to take care and make me happy

why should I wonder?

and not dare

to scale the highest mountain

and remain

on the top to maintain the zeal

even if my dreams are not real

I shall love to deal

and make fee...

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Make friends

Make friends

Wednesday,1st December 2021

Make friends

who remain till an end

converse daily

and enjoy happily

share with them peacefully

no hared

not led by selfish motive

but to live

and believe

in lively environment

where minds speak

and play no trick

stick to own guns

yet make the fun

and run for the quest

what is divinity?

it is love with a...

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Love nature

Love nature

Wednesday,1st Dec 2021

Love nature

and secure

your bight future

and nurture

it has a treasure

to provide you pleasure

please your eyes

with morning dews

mountain peaks

clearly speak

"go as high as possible"

still, you need to struggle

watch the river flow

and grow

with the maturity and calmness

bear the smile on the face too


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