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White Feathers

I woke and there was a beautiful pigeon next to me.

On the bed.

6 feet tall with white feathers


I looked and saw good things,

then fading away but yet remaining

resetting what I see.

As Beauty.

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The Thorn

The Thorn / Michael Kwack


It seemed a big bird had flown;

For, onto the desk of my own,

A feather was falling,

Through the air fluttering.


As if in a dream did I gaze:

A tiny bird it was!


I stretched an arm,

And the bird got on my palm.

The whole body, in bright gold,

Was the wing of this bird.


Should I hold it on my palm?

Let it go afloat in...

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دكتور عصافير (VET)




ريشه ناقصة في جناح عصفوره
إيه يعنى .. ماهـو ريشها كتيــــر
مش حيبــــــــان أبدا في الصورة
ولا حيــــكـون له كمــــــان تأثير

العصفــورة الشــــاطرة تفكــــــر
ربنا عنـــــــده كنــــــوز الخيـــر
لو تدعــــى ربنــــــــا يرزقـــــها
بدل الريشـــــة .. عشـــر قناطير

لكن العــصفــــورة المســكــيـنــة
وقـفـت تبـكـى بدون تفـكـيــــــــر
حتى اصحابها .. زعلوا عشانــها

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Epiphany in the Early Morning

Low early autumn sun

a lone long strand of spider silk

                stretched across the window glass

                above a tiny downy feather like a snowflake

shivering in the breeze

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Like a Feather

Let my energy flow effortlessly through the wind.

Let it travel the distance,

To make the difference,

Within each person it touches.


Allow those who could not see,

Witness the potential that I carry within.

Let the beauty of my creativity,

Shine like the moon high in the sky.


Like a feather,

Let it flow,

Let it be guided by the wind...

Let it reach it's ...

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a feather

love is like a wing
it lifts you up
into the sky
and shows you
the beauty
and peace
that you always wanted
but when it gets stormy
you will be hit
and lost a feather
it hurts
you do everything
to find that one feather again
and to stick it on you
just for the hope and feeling
you belong together... again 

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