freedom (Remove filter)
Freedom Competition Winners
Sunday 7th November 2010 12:58 pm
To dance beneath the diamond sky
With one hand waving free
A time to live, a time to die
A ship called dignity
Acknowledgements for reproduction without permission as follows:
Bob Dylan for lines 1 & 2 (from 'Mr Tambourine Man').
The book of Ecclesiastes and latterly Pete Seeger in the song 'Turn, Turn, Turn'
for line 3 ( I changed a verb)
Ricky Ross of th...
Wednesday 3rd November 2010 7:05 pm
Rzhepick (Freedom)
Spring! Spring! Spring!
The bells ring, ring, ring!
I am in the park under the tree.
I am free, free, free!
The crows are sitting on the tree,
They are also free, free, free.
Nothing clever comes into my head,
Only foolish things instead.
More than that!
Those critters which are on the tree
They have more freedom than me.
Their litters they thro...
Friday 29th October 2010 9:13 am
Freedom Competition Poem
Freedom Lost
Remembering the dusty, cold floors
Beneath my feet
Never feeling stable, secure.
And the dark, damp walls
Surrounding my misery.
Feeling closed in.
Feeling like there is no life
Beyond my cell.
No one existing
Except in this hell.
Gloomy shadows
Spread up the walls
A tiny, filthy window
Only allowing pin holes
Of light through
Like someon...
Sunday 24th October 2010 5:14 am
Sloth and Righteousness argued in the street,
Common Sense told them to button it.
Freedom sat on the fence.
Sloth slunk off,
Righteousness argued the point,
Common Sense felt weary,
Freedom sat on the fence.
The sun came out to play,
Righteousness slipped into shade,
Common Sense went to prevail elsewhere.
Freedom sat on the fence.
Saturday 23rd October 2010 12:35 pm
Goodbye Friend - Hello Freedom
I knocked on your door
you welcomed me in
Encouraged me to be a part
of the activities within
Suggestions were met with joy and horror
Young ones enthused
heard the money rolling in
Old ones, bemused
couldn't stand the din
It never could be a battle to win
you made false promises
we felt swindled
your walls were beginning to bleed
Friday 22nd October 2010 1:58 pm
Freedom (follow up competition to Biting the Bullet) Competition entries so far
Monday 18th October 2010 11:57 pm
You Are Free (Freedom)
Freedom is...
A blank page, ruled with margins for scribbled after-thoughts
Ink in the fountain pen and some new idea to spill
A canvas, with pallet oiled and brushes ready
A quiet room, an acoustic guitar in tune
A sunrise, derelict buildings, wide lens and film ready in the camera
A garden, soil turned and green fingers
Wet sand, a new love and a sharp stick
A science textbook...
Monday 18th October 2010 12:31 pm
The Plate and the Spoon (FREEDOM)
Oh! How I wish
Said the plate to the spoon
As side by side they lay
That I could be given freedom
From bearing food
For just for one whole day
I carry their cake
Their bread and their tart
And To them it doesn’t matter
That me a little platter
Should have feelings
Of the heart
Oh! Hush you now
Sighed the silver spoon
Wednesday 13th October 2010 7:10 pm
If It Ain't Broke (Freedom)
We'll begin at the top:
send someone to the loft
to shed light on the dark and spooky;
to seek out the machines
that capture our dreams
and other instruments of cruelty.
Let's excise and expose
what lies under clothes
and strip the whole joint naked!
So that nothing's intact
let's be ruthless, in fact,
and if it ain't broke then break it!
Wednesday 13th October 2010 1:53 pm
Cry Freedom
At Christmas we’d lay down our arms,
sing Silent Night,
break bread and wine,
play football with the niceties,
pass salt along with pleasantries
pretending we were both the same.
But New Year always hung upon the dawn,
its fireworks heralding
some new offence…
Caught in shell shocked torpor,
through the mist of battle pall,
your lights winked at...
Monday 11th October 2010 11:08 pm
Freedom is elusive,
We yearn for it when young.
But do we ever achieve it?
Is it not just a fallacy?
Once grown we discover
Invisible ties that bind.
Yet would we be without
Our friends and family?
It barely needs saying,
Compared to a prisoner
Or an animal in a cage,
We appear to be free.
But while money exists,
A man made commodity,
...Monday 11th October 2010 7:29 pm
freedom - no such thing
I can’t imagine freedom.
Everything comes with a price.
Take love.
Love comes with the biggest price of all.
“Will you die before the morning
my beloved?
For I can never sleep
knowing that there is doubt.”
“Do you still love me?
As much as I love you?
My heart is in knots of anguish,
for I can never know the answer.”
Monday 11th October 2010 6:20 pm
The Velvet Conversation (FREEDOM)
What do I want? What do I value?
What do you reject?
What matters to me? Whose opinions do I heed?
Whose do you ignore?
I no longer care what anyone thinks of me,
or my actions.
You realize, of course, that you have fixed
the anomaly of your state.
You are trying very...
Sunday 10th October 2010 7:31 pm
Little green men (Freedom)
Come little green men,
you are needed
to fill our skies and eyes,
take lives and terrorise.
Come little green men,
make us fight you,
shoulder to shoulder with each other,
every human being a brother.
Come little green men,
make us forget
the million walls suspicion builds
the million graves our hate has filled.
Come little green...
Friday 8th October 2010 11:06 pm
Third Sonnet
The Taliban of Christianity,
Are guardians of our nation’s moral health,
Protecting men from femininity,
They worship pomp, and privilege, and wealth.
They disapprove of how and whom we love,
Deny our civil right to earn a crust,
To work in schools for our Lord above,
Those bigots trample freedom in the dust.
No paedophiles then, in the Church of Rome?
In Opu...
Tuesday 9th February 2010 1:05 pm
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