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vagabond (Remove filter)

She had no home

When I met her as a happy wanderer

Navigating from places to places

I did told her I had nothing to offer

But the simple comfort of my chest


To this she looked at me smiling

“Hey you adventurer”, she told me

“You’re the one I have been waiting,

Home I don’t need, free I want to be”


“The road is a paved way to paradise,

Like the snail my house is this bag,

I ...

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A Vagabond's Road

A lonesome vagabond

Whistled away through his life-

Through autumn, summer and the cruel cold.

He lived a life, so kind, so benign, 

Myriad pathways he could've chosen.

Pathways adorned with petals of roses,

But a bed of roses would've given him no thrill 

Through summer fever and winter chills.

Today he lies in moth-devoured drapes,

At the edge of the very road that gra...

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