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Dream Journal (Remove filter)

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Area 51

This is a doozy, one of my more crazy dreams

Reese Witherspoon and I flying down Route 66

Singing at the tops of our lungs to Cardi B

Picking up hitchhikers, because nothing bad ever happens when you do that

Dropping them off as we go

Jack Black has been in the back seat three times now

He’s looked like George Clooney once

has worn an outrageous fake orange mustache another t...

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Dream Journal

They Emerge

They emerge, the people, from the mists

Shadows skulking in the pre-dawn half-light

Creeping through the crisp fresh air 

Chasing the bright, cold lights of the train station.

They come, the trains, behemoths of marvel

Swaying on the steel track

Heralded by the ding of the announcement

The strange voice of a not-man

These are not that circling train that loops the city


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Dream Journal

Ballet School

A shame, we had to go, the view was lovely

The room was filthy, in a way that hotels never are in the waking world

The group is large, with friends that I know well

But the day has been long and we all need to sleep

No room at the inn

So on we go

Dream Logic

Follow the cobblestones

Don’t get on the train, it's not safe

A breath at a small cafe, outdoor tables

Raised ...

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Dream Journal

Junk Dreams

In dreams, places that I’m not supposed to be are filthy and stay that way

If I’m meant to be there, the way to clean will appear

And I’ll clean

A way to unclutter the junk

There are brooms and mops

Scrub brushes and gloves

Rags and pine-scented cleaner

Lemons and vinegar

Baking Soda, Salt, and Water

Buckets and Furniture polish

I wash and clean

Scrub with bubb...

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Dream Journal

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