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clock (Remove filter)


In the first second
infinite sensory overload
will begin, download it
and then this
thought process …
it is up to you to utilize
the central nervous system’s data

our own eye of the storm
strike like
lightning …
fast reflexes at the hands
of centered command

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Tick tock the cats tail
swings from the steel nail.
Kitten nailed to the wall
tightly secured, as not to fall.
Eyes open wide
digitally displaying the time.

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Hand Count

Hand Count


Sixty times a minute

I have travelled round this face

Three thousand six hundred times an hour

I have faithfully kept pace

Eighty six thousand four hundred times a day

I’ve ticked along

Six hundred and four thousand eight hundred times a week

Always right and never wrong

Eighteen million one hundred and forty four thousands times an average month


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napowrimo2017day 30(91)clocktimeagain & againpassing timeprocrastinationlive lifeseconds



Tear up the calendars,
Tear down the clocks;

For the evil that they do
is written in the faces
Torn to shreds by the hands of time
In a frenzy of the  workaholic’s pantomime.

Tear up the calendars,
Tear down the clocks.

Slow down the days,
Speed up the lives.
Boot out deadlines;
Bring in lifelines,
Then sigh at the oxymoron
That is “quality time”.

Time is the...

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Daydreams -- 07/2015

Time winds down

Tick tock

As I watch the clock

Days go by 

It seems

Dreams so pristine

Staring out the window

Daring to follow

You to the horizon

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The Usual

Sun through window,

Clock ticks.

I stare into space,

Blank mind like empty canvas.

Pen taps,


Failed slaughterer of time.


Work unfinished,

Clock ticks.

Cold coffee untasted,

I look at unread my emails,

and ignore them.



Clock ticks.

Clock ticks.

Clock ticks.


Shuffle papers,

Move mouse,

Press keys,

Clock ticks.


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there was a time


No longer looked up to
at least not as much as before
no longer consulted
or given the usual care
No longer do cogs congregate
not even to syncopate
Time keeps ticking away
although this clock's hands stay
Where has the cuckoo flown to?
Where shall it alight?
Somewhere the sand has rested,
glinting like ...

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