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Sonnet That’s Not Funny!

Sonnet That’s Not Funny!


It is a truth which I have long acknowledged, that a man, or indeed a woman, in possession of a fascistic turn of mind must be in want of a sense of humour. Various creative events, involving Led by Donkeys appear to have vindicated my position. 


Shall I compare thee to a lettuce, Liz?

Word salad, wilted ’s served when you’re on tour;

That Iceberg’s ...

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Led By Donkeys Sting!

Greed and stupidity in equal measure!

Kwasi Kwarteng also co-wrote book with Jeremy Hunt recommending get rid of NHS.

Led by donkeys, led by donkeys,

Down the Brexit road,

Leading UK brain-washed zombies,

Into mental overload.

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Suncream, Sandwiches, Sea and Sand

Warm sheltered rock-pools on the beach

This British green and pleasant land

Where Donkeys'  poo and Seagulls' screech


Grandad’s hanky on his head

His rosy cheeks a shade of peach

His Daily Mirror long since read

Where Donkeys' poo and Seagulls' screech


Grandma’s at Bingo every night

Her handbag with her like a leech

Her rol...

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The Ghost Of Summer

The Ghost Of Summer


A leaded cloak that settled on the bay,

forewarned us of the chaos yet to rise

from deep within the boiling soup of grey.


The thunderheads that blocked our sunny day

and scattered tears of winter from their eyes –

made all the basting bathers go away.


The crystal spume of effervescent spray

that settled on us, causing such su...

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british summerrainholidaysmaking the best of itcloudsdonkeysdeck chairs

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