The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Afghanistan (Remove filter)

Dot To Dot

Dot To Dot

Join the dots all in a line

Where do they all lead?


Land of failed empires

Defeated armies

Opium production

Terrorism central

Forget Lebanon

Afghan is number one

Ever since the 70s

The Soviets started it

All the rest added to it

You know the nations

Shall we bet who’s next?


Nick Armbrister and other...

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Mayor of Kabul

My heart beats
like jack boots
marching on dusty streets

The only place to hide
is beneath a veil
I fought to decline

They come 
to poison up the well
We’re waiting
it’s all there is

Each of my children
take a finger on my right hand
a little fist around each one

And my husband
grips the other hand
as we dearly clutch our tears

They come
to bleed this well dry
We’re wai...

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Lost In Translation

Lost In Translation


I was there to help you

when you needed my advice,

I faced my brothers bullets -

was prepared to pay the price

of ostracism

in my fathers land

because I fought for justice

and decided to make a stand

against the corrupt message

of the terrorist breed.

I wanted to scourge my land

of their demon seed.


So I stood at checkpoints


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afghan translatorsafghanistanfailed policytranslatorsuk amnestyuk government

This bird

Look at this thing, this gruesome thing, this shake-off from the slick.

A car mechanic’s rag, a bag of bile, a doodling hand that drags

a biro clot of crudeness up the beach.

This foul-up. This bird. This broken component of our world.

Then look at that: a flesh gorged kite, circling

while cluster bombs slake a starving nation’s soil.

America’s pin puckered vein, the fight for th...

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I'm from a land where

I'm from a land where,

Two girls on the bus to school is revolutionary,

Where we bury boxes full of our still born children,

'Cos experimental biological weapons more or less killed them.

Plus the starvation, and working on the opium plantation,

Whilst Halibuton gets paid to rebuild my nation,

MPs with hidden interests plan my leader's assasination.

From London to Lo...

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CorruptionDrugsAfghanistanprotestfree versegovernment

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