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Beethoven (Remove filter)

Late Quartets

Every performance celebrates new life,

Since music will outlast our mortal form.

The melodies which freeze us to the spot

Will still resound for centuries to come.

Achievements mount to places up above;

Responses should be equal to this height.

Cheap adjectives will never do the job,

Mere emotion doesn't give an answer;

Shedding tears is just a modern fashion,

As is howl...

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The Rollercoaster of Beethoven

Beethoven - we truly love to hear.
He may bring us sorrow or send us cheer.
It is like riding on a rollercoaster,
As we enter the mind of this great composer.

At times it may be slow and steady,
But what is to come? And are we ready?
You at first go up but then shoot down,
And you feel you'll crash right to the ground.

We go side to side and round and round.
We may loop the loop - go ...

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Stuart VannerBeethovenRollercoaster


Beethoven's music I surely adore.
Tis something I must come back to for more.
He comforts my heart when I am by myself,
And reaches my soul more than anything else.

In his music he shares each part of his life.
He gives us strength where before there was strife.
He shows triumph of spirit over adversity
In each sonata, concerto and in every symphony.

He expresses anger and sadness but ...

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Stuart VannerBeethovenClassical Music

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