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Call centres (Remove filter)


Six call centre years/what will the next six be like?/career made for fools

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bpocall centreswrong career



Each call centre says they’re the best

They never say they’re number 2

Always number 1 in their own way

Is this in most collected revenue?

Or number of employees?

Or with the most offices?

Each call centre says No1

The same saying by them all

Can’t they say something new?

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top spotnever secondcall centres

Things Change

Things Change

Because a rep in the BPO becomes a supervisor then manager

This doesn’t give them the right to belittle other support and reps

Especially bullying and using bad words or snide comments

This upsets agents and makes them feel bad and perform worse

Plus it alienates them from the support and makes them look bad

In front of the entire team and often call centre which is...

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work ethicscall centreshigh attrition

Fault Lines


Brring brring… brring brring…

 “This call is being recorded for training purposes”

and Christ you hate that fucking thing.


You speak for 7, 8, 9, 10, however many hours,

losing faith in all humanity with every mardy customer.

Explain to re-explain to re-re-re-explain again,

no deviation from the script,

and you can only tell me this, no more, no less,

this call’s ...

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Call centres

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