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Gambling (Remove filter)

Give us all Your Money!

Give us all your money,

Then go and find some more;

Try borrowing from loan sharks

To maximise your score.


Steal it from the corner shop

Or from your parents’ stash;

With every tempting wager,

We’ll part you from your cash.


Your chances of a pay-out

Are vanishingly thin;

You might as well take out your wad

And chuck it in the bin.


Your bank accoun...

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Casino dreams


 Casino dreams
Maybe today Ill see the reason why
 I sit at this machine hoping to be amused
 like free spins will pay out
 and only to lose
I swear this casino 
has only brought me to the deep end
So quick to say fuck it,
and what i would have never pursed
why cant i just refuse?
My mind is too gone, its all been consumed
Broken, bitter and used 
Sell us dreams, 
and we sell you...

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Shopping Addiction

Shopping for thing's you dont need

spending all your money just to feed

your addiction

You just got paid and that same day it's gone

the cooperations fool you they're one big con

Special offers things on sale 

is their away to escape this jail?

They items you buy make you happy for a while

the obession and thrill of buying makes you smile

whether it's tops, bags, or shoe...

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