The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

POEM (Remove filter)

Whispers of Forever

Your eays hold stars that light my way

A gently grow at the break of day.

Your touch is warmth, aspak to true

Like dawn's soft kiss and drops of dew.

Each Breath you take , a song so sweet

A melody where heartbeats meet.

Your laughter dances in the air

A whispered promise, light and rare.

Through  storm  aand sun , through time untord

Your love is fire, fierce yet gold.


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Why Do Men?

I would prefer to not have a taste of being chosen if it is fragile enough to be taken away in a second.

Why do I always keep my heart keen? I must be colder. I have to be in order to survive. 

I don't understand men. They desire me one day and despise me another.

Unfortunately I am hungry to be the one. To be loved. To be desired.

At the surface level I adore men, I truly do.

They ...

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broken butterfly

“butterflies can’t see their own wings”

my wings were unique, folded and geometric

i felt proud, never hid them like a secret

i was called brave

              ↳”i’d want to die if i were you”

i pulled my antennas over my eyes

i naively accepted compliments at face value (i belonged)

when it came time to fly, i could only flutter

that’s all my wings could do (i was okay with...

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poetrypoemshamebutterflybroken butterflyyoung writernaturereligionLGBTneurodivergentsociety

sapiosexual - attracted to intelligence

practicing chiropractors
correct us —
posture up —
try, and
… stand upright

formless before the big bang
chaotic with a dark past, and
the light an omnipresent
cognizant force with foresight
for the universes future is in order

simulation theory
0’s & 1’s
the singularity
near infinite
expanding with each addition
times, O
multiplied it is still nil



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The Weight of Indifference

Inspired by Gerta Spieß’s haunting lines, “There’s nothing to be done,” this poem, The Weight of Indifference, examines the moral cost of inaction. It reveals how silence and apathy chain the oppressed and stain the conscience of the innocent. A call to confront the guilt born of indifference, it urges us to speak and act, even when trembling, for silence is the crime of care.

What marks the gu...

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guiltsilenceinactionjusticemoralityresponsibilitypoemreflectionGerta Spieß

// My Unshakable Anchor //

To Akshita,


You are my cousin, but those words don’t define
The bond we share, rare and divine.
More than family, you’re my truest friend,
A place where my chaos finds its end.

In childhood, you stood a little apart,
But time wove you deeply into my heart.
You didn’t play, we were just two names,
Yet now, we are one in life’s vast games.

Now you’re the one who sees my soul,

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The Scales of Justice Tilt in Gold

A piercing critique of a justice system that allows the powerful to escape unscathed while the ordinary face the harshest punishments. This poem confronts the political and judicial failures surrounding Donald Trump's acquittal, highlighting the frustration and disillusionment with the system's bias and corruption. It challenges the state of American justice, questioning what remains of fairness i...

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Trumpinjusticeunconditional dischargecourtacquittalMerchanjudicial corruptionAmerican politicslegal systempoempowerinequalityshamecritiquepolitical commentary

"The Loop of Flight"

"To fly high" -  my dream, my creed,
To touch the skies with endless speed.
Since childhood I promised to rise,
To trace the clouds, to claim the skies.

The birds I cherished, graceful, free,
Now hold a different truth for me.
They fly with no true place to be,
Just motion framed by destiny.

But I, with maps and dreams so grand,
Now confused, unsure where I stand.
What if the path I’...

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poemdreamsbroken dreamsflightsadlooplife

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