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Recollection (Remove filter)


There is always one sacred moment

when the night's ink black sky

allows some personal atonement

to my dull and once-blind eye:

a single white star's icy reign,

absent in the deepest dark,

until the second that my brain

is riven by its diamond spark.

That this sheer shining crystal blazed

while hidden from my careful scan 

can only leave me dumb, amazed

that the min...

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Tonight was full of pale questions

Sparkler trails

An acoustic strum


We lay on the bonnet of your car

Like they did in the eighties

And spoke to God


The heat of the engine

The chill of the night

The warmth of the memories


You had left the tape deck playing

The Kronos Quartet were on fine form

Endless symphonic epiphanies


You looked like a God...

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The Knock

Lo and behold that feeling

once more has returned


To tease test and torment

dead past willfully spurned


From window shut forever

heard unmistakable creak


A portent of ensuing havoc

and destruction it’ll wreak


Dilemmas deemed sorted

in archives since then lost


Will augment latent agony

with much heftier paid cost


An arduous uphill dr...

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A Sea Poem


Deep within me  
lay a sea poem 
of long ago;
where air is fresh 
but blusters wildly
when southerlies blow, 
slick and slimy 
mud between the toes- 
mangrove's brackish home.
Whitecaps dance 
in the open channel 
close to where corals grow.
But further than the distance
of childhood ...

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