The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Sad love poetry (Remove filter)

Love is Sometimes Violent!

I got a tell me about yourself question!

Well, you see the makeup on my face,

It's not a beauty enhancer

It conceals the scars on my face

That carry the testimony of last night

Punches on my jaws,

Punches on my eyes,

Bleeding nose

Blocking blows, please STOP...

He said LOVE is sometimes violent, 

So i stayed!


Tell me about yourself? 

Well, I buried  my co...

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Gender Based ViolenceSad love poetry

Block of truth

Word can sharp an quiet like a breeze.   

Wird ore harsh an rough like the sand we walk in  

Word are a breath of trust an lie.  

Word can often Hurt but they speak sudol Truth to heart.  

The word we speak can last a generation or millunium through are word an test that spread from them. 

For sometime the hardest truth is from the word of the heart.   

There sudal an deep.   


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sad love poetrypath of lifehard truthsleeping soldier peomsoldier

Long distance Love

Days pass way too fast

It's hard to invision, that we'll last

Running onwards, aimlessly

Without allowing our truths, to set us free


When will we gain control?

Stop plodding on too slow?

Not one of us really knows,

We just continue with the flow


I dream of the day, they set us free

Finally able to live the way, we want to be

Just me and you for eternity


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hurtlimbolong distancelong distance lovelovelove poemslove poetrypainromanceromantic poetrysad love poetrytrappedunconditional love

Nothing Last Forever

{Nothing Last Forever}



As nothing last

forever and we

need time on our

own to find our

way out there

and through this

cold blue november

rain that keeps

blowing this pain in

and out of our lives

and don't you

dare look into my

eyes because you

will still see

there's love inside

of them burning

for you still but

we both are so


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poempoetryTina Gloverwordy queenwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short storieswriting out loudpainful love poemhurtful love poetrysad poetrysad poemlove poemlove poetrysad love poemsad love poetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

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