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Thirteen Shouting Americans

Kennedy shouted “We do things not because they are easy but because they are hard”

Then they shot him

Martin Luther King shouted “I have a Dream”

Then they shot him

Bob Dylan shouted poems of Love and War

He politicised a whole generation

Timothy Leary   shouted “Tune in Turn on and Drop out”

California relaxed

Billy Graham shouted “Come on Down”

Causing many...

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Cry Petey, I See Bards Rounding the Bend


Cry we all toward places unnamed

Rise above the crested hills

Yell we will - shattering door frames

Plundering thoughts of plovered wills

Tear at the wallpaper - reveal the grain

Ink the slate - etched by wound-dipped quills

Crouch, prowl - ready to pounce on game

Brandishing swords, blaring trumpets shrill

Arching backs, phosphorescent wicks ...

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