The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Claps Won't Pay Bills

In 2005, Jeremy Hunt, as Health Secretary co-authored a policy pamphlet calling for the NHS

to be replaced by an insurance system.

On page 78 the pamphlet says that ā€œour ambitionā€ should be the de-nationalising of theĀ  provision of healthcare in Britain.

The book was put together by Douglas Carswell, and its authors include Tory MPs Michael Gove

Daniel Hannan, Greg Clark, David Gauke, ...

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NHSStrikeNursesfair pay

Make a stand


Make a stand


You can make a stand against wrong-doing or stand for what is right,

You can make a stand as a pacifist as to stand is not to fight.

You can make a stand with a fist aloft or stand with a lowered gaze,

You can make a stand thatā€™s popular or stand without seeking praise.

You can make a stand by marching or stand up by sitting down,

You can make a stand if yo...

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list poempensionspoliticsprotestStriketrade-unions

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