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Struggling (Remove filter)

Trial of Life

Each day contains its challenges.  
And by the hand of fickle fate,
It may be full of great despair,
And could drive one to hate.  

All life includes its stresses,
And may be turbulent and cruel.
Should we live with only hope,
Oft we may become a fool.

There are many great things in life,
Which should not be dismissed.
But if one should choose to give in,
There's much that can be mi...

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Stuart VannerStrugglingSuffering

Pondering How I Got Here

At school as a teen

I was sitting in class

With all my friends

When the teacher asked

I’ve a question for you all

In this form group today

What would you do

If a friend told you they were gay

“I’d beat them and punch them”

The one friend said

“I’d kick them, and hurt them until they were dead”

The whole class cheered and seemed to agree

And that was the start of...

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