Teeth (Remove filter)
no room for fake Kings
you were so content
keeping me at arms length
so I ended up
in someone else's
with a trail of teeth
behind me
Tuesday 24th September 2024 9:36 pm
Ella's Fitter
Her pearly teeth gave me migraine
I was awed by her withering voice
Her feet bigger than dustbin lids
Ella was my one and only choice
Riddled with human deficiencies
None of us are perfect after all
Ella was well aware of her limits
She was less than four foot tall
Yet she boasted hidden talents
She could easily manage a top C
On piano she matched Rubinstein
...Tuesday 17th November 2020 11:11 am
Show Me Your Teeth
I wish your body was mine.
I long for our souls to be tangled.
All I crave is connection.
All I seek is approval.
Our savagery is forever,
The killing of time itself.
All I can afford is hope,
But that’ll never be enough.
Take me away from the light
And show me your teeth.
I’ll always be weak to your desires.
So take out your frustrations on me
And leave this pi...
Monday 25th February 2019 6:03 am
Wisdom Teeth
Get out of mouth now.
This is not yours.
You keep prodding at my gums, don't you get it?
They're sensitive.
I don't floss.
I can see you past the surgical mask, behind the goggles that you keep foggy with a steam of egotistical pomposity.
You're framed by a white room, white clothes, white breaths, because everything inside of that is dirty.
A living cavi...
Saturday 29th July 2017 12:20 pm
Fistfuls of teething,
hot and wet like sand,
a mocking curse, screeching
and grinding over one another,
flooding through windows and baseboards,
cascading over chandeliers and
down hallways, clashing and clattering
chattering like the frosty duels of rutting
November bucks
filling me up, burning hot
like a drill from dentists' days
skewered and chewed
caught and crushed
a mor...
Wednesday 28th December 2016 11:22 am
Two Trips to the Orthodontist
Two Trips to the Orthodontist
(a true story)
The orthodontist said to me,
the orthodontist cried,
‘When Adam says he’s cleaned his teeth
he’s obviously lied.
I cannot undertake to treat
a mouth so grim with plaque.
He must buck up his thoughts or else
I cannot have him back!’
‘And look’ she said, ‘these eye teeth here
both sport a li...
Wednesday 20th March 2013 9:22 am
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