The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

alchemy (Remove filter)

The Christian Kabbala of ā€œWilliam Shake-speareā€

The latest in my papers to appear on Google's Academia: The Christian Kabala of "Shake-speare", an Examination of the Allusions and Structures to theĀ Rosicrucian, Cabalist and Alchemical Teachings in William Shakespeareā€™s Plays and Poetry.


We saw the tear, we saw the chasm of experience

In our time no one came to transubstantiate the grain

We thought we could even communicate


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Christian KabalaWilliam ShakespeareRosicrucianismAlchemyGiovanni Pico della MirandolaSchool of NightOccult Science

The Secret Alchemy of Shakespeare

What is often ignored or overlooked by academics is the vast amount of occult and magical references in Shakespeare's plays and poetry to the art of astrology, alchemy and magic. Qudos Academy examines in detail the "Bard's" interest in Neo-Platonic Symbolism from the time.


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Hoe for a Season

Every now and again

She gets this feeling

OMG, itā€™s hoeing season

Sheā€™ll be a hoe for a season

Hoping to be teasinā€™, pleasinā€™ you

Ho Ho Ho, Hoe!

Ainā€™t nothinā€™ wrong about it

Ever met a hoe trilla than thee?

I doubt it

Sheā€™ll be your hoe if only for a season

Hope to be pleasinā€™, just teasin (wink)ā€¦.you

She donā€™t drink, but she do keep that green

Oh, oh but does t...

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Last Time

You see, as Iā€™ve been waiting on the love of my life

Waiting so we can walk off into paradise

Thinking I was in love

Once, maybe twice before

Now I know betta

So Imma do betta

But not before I hit up not bae

Told ā€˜em let me put this thang on ya

One last time

Before the love of my life comes

Knocking on my door

One last time, before we have to say goodbye

Let me ...

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I drink the elixir of your words

to calm my nerves,

to hear the crunch of leaves

on my way to brighter days,

to see another creative soul

soar above the chaos of a broken life,

to witness corrosion

turn to gold,

to prolong the beauty of this moment,




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What Became Of That Poor Girl?

Nothing could stop what we did

Alchemy dictates its conclusion,

Tangled in an urgent chemistry

Physically desperate for fusion


What became of that poor girl?

Hiding those scars on her wrist

Bruises like plates on her back

Her lips in pain when we kissed


A freshers' conference is wild

Or used to be in olden times

Before masks and distancing

And other anti-...

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Disappearing Ink

You pen beautiful poems,

revealingĀ hurts, worries,

secret desires of your soul.

Dancing on high wires,

creating cosmic alchemy,

thenĀ your words

are gone in a blink.

You must be using

disappearing ink!

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alchemychemistrycosmic beingPoemspoetryrelationshipssoul

My Dopamine

Your words flowĀ 
though my veinsĀ 
and light up my soulĀ 
like nothingĀ 
I've ever known.
Chemical alchemy.
Cosmic destiny.
Beyond comprehension.
From another dimension.
Steam. My dopamine.Ā 

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The Illusionist

It seems that the old-time "magic show" is experiencing something of a renaissance, especially in the visual mass media. Even so, I doubt its fundamental attraction will alter one iota. The gap between acclaim and scorn is still wafer-thin.


The Illusionist


Pay attention, dear reader, and I'll weave a magic vein,

where rabbits live in top hats and assistants float in air,


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