The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

break-up (Remove filter)


I remember everything, even the type of ring you wanted.

The type of things most would've forgotten.

I was there listening, came through with everything I promised.

That's knowledge for you.

Thatā€™s knowledge for you.

You were my favorite subject and I passed all those classes plus Iā€™d hang right after school.

Always hanging onto you, but now we let go and I canā€™t hang to an excus...

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May 17, 2019; 11:21pm

I find myself wanting to call you

A lot more often than I should

Considering the fact that I ended it

I miss you dearly

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break-uppoetryi miss youmaywriter

Unhealed Heart

I saw people in love and I gagged

I congratulate myself for not throwing up

Though the realization saddened me

It signalled the beginning of an end

I was becoming tolerant to love again

What a tragedy for a heart not yet healed!



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Do you ever?

Do you ever just have tears fall down your eyes?

You have a memory suddenly flash and your heart begins to beat fast and before you know it you'reĀ back in the pastĀ 

You are wondering what did you do wrong to deserve all the pain from the one you lovedĀ 

You have done everything you can think of to get over the hurtĀ 

You want more than anything to forget her voice, her hugs, her eyes, th...

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Broken-heartedlovebreak-upbrokensadnessmemorylove hurts

Gig Economy

She loved the pizza delivery boy;

She loved his cheery, optimistic ways.

She loved the feel of his muscular arms,

But not his endless sixteen-hour days.


That evening, he went out on the night shift;

He was so short of savings for his age.

But she was restless and her eyes would drift

Towards announcements on the singles page.


Soon after, he finished work exhausted...

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Lil Ray of Sunshine

Lil Ray of Sunshine

Yeah it's been longer than a minute,
so i gotta let this go,
everything that i've kept in,
these words ready to flow.
As much as i speak,
little did you ever know,
that this lil ray of sunshine turned into a pitchblack soul.
I remember a few years ago I preached a lot,
I had some words of wisdom so I shared my thoughts.
I preached about loyalty , respect and gangsta...

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relationshipsbreak-upmarried lifepainsadloveliesinfidelity

kill me.

Pain in my stomach, heart, mind,
stabs of a knifeĀ 
I yearn for this piercing painĀ 
I've lacked it far too long.

Ungrateful love:
Punch me, hurt me, kill me almost.


so later
when the rain has ceased
a flower can bloom again
a new blossom
the same plant

Revive me, ungrateful love
Make me another

Kill me.

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break-upemotional painflowersfree formfree verselovenew startpain

Picking Fruit

A field of choices

Rotten cherries scatter us

Piercing white noise breathing

Bow to the mirror

Heart stops, feet sinking

I hope you love loneliness.

Cloud kisses turn into lemons

Miles to go

Sheets that resume the velvet


Never going.

Wheels that turn gold into rust

Frazzled metal pieces

Doors less traveled

Turn off the questions

Faucets drip


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emotionsbreak-upfruitGertrude stein

Too Proud to be happy!

Thanks, I realized who are you
But before my heart grew

Full of love and deep desire
They could feel between us a fire

I was with you dear always
And really, I had no holidays

Hospital could be my second home
Didn't stop me even a storm

After all I did for youĀ 
I get words but only few

That was fair enough
To see the real stuff

The real truth knocked me off my f...

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Our Home Cannot Be Here

I lit a fire on the beach
Just as you were feeling beaten by the wind
We can't hear anything in this weather
But the waves and the crackling wood
You don't speak anyway
We have nothing we care to say

Our human silences amid nature's screams
Fill me with a loss so unforgettable
Our human silences amid nature's screams
Fill me with a void so inescapable

The sky goes dark and the sea sl...

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beachbreak-upbreaking upnatureseparatingweatherwind

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