burden (Remove filter)
The Burden of Sight
I see it in your eyes!
You have fallen into the trap of age
Your eyes are becoming deem
The sparkle I used to admire has faded
You've seen too much
That you have internalized it all
You let it play everytime you close your eyes
You've let the burden of vision
Fast-forward your days
Didn't we say we will stay the same?
You promised that we wouldn't get old
We would always turn misfort...
Thursday 23rd June 2022 10:30 am
Take a Penny, Leave a Scar.
I'm just a number,
Put me in the back.
One of these days,
I swear I'll fucking snap.
Always keeping it in,
Forever pushing it down.
One day I'll strike this match
And burn this place to the ground.
Empathy is a curse,
A color I wear well.
I'm sick of always wondering
How other people feel.
I don't take care of myself,
I just bury my own bone.
I'm always there for everyone
But ...
Thursday 31st May 2018 1:57 pm
A Hunger
Cracker Barrel shouldn't make you cry.
That is a sentence that no one should have to explain.
Facebook, should occasionally make you cry.
That's a sentence that I think most people don't have to explain.
Sad children in a country that I probably couldn't find if I researched every piece of paper with any writing on it in my house.
Which is a lot.
Just for reference.
Monday 25th September 2017 5:57 am
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