The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

cake (Remove filter)

The cake

Once upon a time, there was a cake that was not just a cake
It was the cocoa powder, dark and bitter earth
that once was seed, fruit, promise
It was the butter, golden fat, almost alive
melting under touch, like fear or desire
It was the sugar, sweet and cruel
dissolving into itself
like memories that refuse to be remembered

The eggs are cracked, fragile shells of worlds
and from them f...

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Then, let them eat snowflake

Into the office 

someone's brought cake!

Don't they know

I'm a little snowflake!


I have no willpower 

Can't think for myself

Then in strolls this cocky

little cake elf!


Spreading obesity

Like covid 19

Don't they know cake

should never be seen! 


It's total carnage

There's cream round me gob

And, now, someone's brandishing 

a chocolate hob-...

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Love's remembrances can be painful

Lurking like snakes in your head

I find memories of our finest hour

Amid itchy reminders in our bed


The crumbs in my bed remind me of you

The way you brushed your hair for hours

How you sat on the duvet nibbling cinammon toast

Or sniffing posies of hothouse flowers


I still can't work out why you left me

The truth is I'm more t...

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crumbsbedfull loafcake

Down the market

carrots, apples spuds and fish
chocolate brownies, a porcelain dish
jeans and jumpers, pots and pans
stockings, bras and ornate fans
paintings of the lacal town
jackets, bags and a dressing gown
onsies that look like Donald duck
sweets to chew and sweets to suck
DVDs and home made jam
vinyl records by bross and wham!
perfume, deodorant, talk and soap

yorkshire parkin and a cantelope

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beerbootscakecarrotscraftshaticecreamjamjohn cooper clarkelemonademarketing


Conversation is always adult like and has an encore

But, his eyes can’t stay off me

Trying to figure me out

Conversations, are as if he wants me

But, the thought of having me as an eternal meal

Not sure if he is deserving, or it’s just the thought

Tracing my face

I smile even when death is near

My mind is a marathon and he doesn’t run anymore

He is already near

In the...

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Coffee shop blues

Cup of coffee

cup of tea

hot chocolate



cheese toastie

tuna melt

bacon butty

fruit cake


custard cream

vanilla slice

blueberry muffin

tray bake


Drunk them all

ate them all

now I've got


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Cake Mix

Lied back

Eyes staring upwards

At the Soft Cell poster

Awkwardly tacked to the ceiling

But already beginning to curl at the edges


The sound of crockery clattering

Gently switches me back to reality

The familiar sound of the pot mixing bowl

Rocking back and forth

As Mum beats the eggs with alarming ferocity

(No mechanical aids in sight to whizz the mix into fluffy...

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New Year, New Year Resolutions

New year, New year resolution

Gotta be strong, want absolution

This year I'm going to lose some weight

But what will I do without my cake?


Carrot cake, is that one of my 5 a day?

That areas always been kinda grey

And New York cheesecake, that's not so bad

Without the cheese it could be a new fad


Lovely and rich, chocolate fudge

Keep eating that and the weight w...

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cakedietnew year

Rekindle cake (plus video performance attached at bottom)


Rekindle cake 
You take a teaspoon of wisdom, add two ounces of brave.
Then you extract the past and the now try to save.
Six drops of humble mixed with fine compromise
And then stir in to taste, as you look in her eyes
One cup of loves flour, and two knobs…………… who love.
Then you ask for some help from the chefs up above.
A sprinkle of ...

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lovereal lovehumilitytryingcourageheartsoul materecipecake

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