The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

chaos (Remove filter)


Oh, supreme maestro of chaos well devised
Thou who dost turn falsehoods into legacy prized
Thy hair, the clouds of a kitsch tempest wild
Thy suit, a shield 'gainst truths that are reviled

"Make America great again!" thou dost proclaim
Whilst selling dreams wrought with horror and shame
Thy walls are verses in blind poetry penned
That part and divide, yet intrigue to no end

Thou, who sp...

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Palm Tree

Sticking to a theme instead of writing what comes to mind
I'd simply put pen to paper and let the thoughts flow fully
Having an idea to think to is unnatural and code breaking
Let me write as though I am indeed free

Voyage to the caverness depths of everything
Float above the shallow reality of living
Shackled by 
Oh, the cream of this doughnut is filling

Dark but bright 
Light but gr...

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Of Eros & of Strife

You say; "What of Eros and of Strife?"

When, I have been the prophet of my life"

Composing stanzas and similitudes,

At sunset sadly disposed of the residues.

At dawn awoke somewhat censorious,

Worn down each day by some frail chorus

Of dour philosophic platitudes;

- With thoughts sublime and obscure moods.


Awoken by some passion or desire?

The maid below re-kindles ...

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maybe mayhem

*Original date true, minor format edit in '²²


maybe you're amazed by mayhem.  sweet mayhem.

chaos colored lipstick screams, tumultuous as she licks her lips

a wild and tangled disarray, her hair - a disheveled decadent disorder

cascading down past swaying hips

rolling, undulating as she slips

her thoughts into your consciousness

ideas driven by desire i...

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Blue On Blue Contact

Blue On Blue Contact


This blue on blue contact

is really rather fun.

Amber shoots at Boris

with her metaphoric gun,

Michael snipes at Dominic,

Andrea shoots from the hip

And Jacob assaults everyone

with his stiff upper lip.


This blue on blue contact

puts them under friendly fire -

the egotist, the pessimist

the naysayer and liar.

They all have an op...

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chaosday 8hostilitymessNaPoWriMo 2019politicsphrase used in a professiontory government

Cosmology 101

Chaos seems the wrong first word:

no light

no sound

no time

and nothing moving e'er occurred


Chaos speaks to me of chance:

a move

a crash

a force

that happen in time's dance


So before chaos, ah, but stop -

no before

(no time)

so just

stasis as creation's dark backdrop


Some cosmic joggle, as if perhaps

god sneezed:

atoms move

and ...

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For Loki

For Loki;

Oh Lopt, the slandered god, I judge you not.
Your actions seem unjust or selfish,
but they are not.
They are quite the opposite.
You, the Wily Giftbringer,
what would the mighty gods be,
if you hadn't cut off the Lady's hair?
Hotheaded and sly,
you made the gods stronger,
through your mischief.

What of the walls of Asgard?
Without you, oh Loke,
they would be vulnerable...

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LokidevotionAesirHeathenPaganslandergod of firechaosmischief.

Just in chaos

With their welfare reforms being constantly revised.
I wonder, did they hear our defenceless citizens' cries?
Or are they just in chaos?
People forced to choose between food and heat
Did they mean to bring our poor a-begging at some banker's feet?
Or are they just in chaos?
Public servants suffer under a two year pay freeze.
Did they really just forget to...

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