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climate change deniers (Remove filter)

Science is Divided

The oceans rise and temperatures rocket,

But we have the answer in our pocket.

A glossy document, signed and dated –

Oh, come on, you should be elated –

In which we promise to slightly reduce

The poisonous discharges we let loose.

Not straight away, of course, you understand;

There are more pressing urgencies at hand.


Nearby, a man sinks down beneath the waves;

His ...

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How To Be A Denier

Claim yourself to be a fount of knowledge.
Claim that every scientist's a liar.
If you've done a course at any college 
you can be a certified denier.

Gather up those inconvenient facts
and twist them like they're bendy bits of wire.
Disseminating data needs great tact
but any fool can thrive as a denier.

Lobby for a mega corporation 
to push emission targets ever higher.
Easy work, ...

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