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Stephen Gospage on Approaching Autumn
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Graham Sherwood on Giant Blue Star
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Stephen Gospage on October Rain
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Stephen Gospage on Never
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Stephen Gospage on Renew
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Reggie's Ghost on Giant Blue Star
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Graham Sherwood on Never
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TobaniNataiella on Magic Three Words
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raypool on HUNTER'S MOON
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Tom Doolan on October Rain
21 hours ago

Awakening in the Stillness

In the stillness of the morning,
the world awakens softly.
Light spills over the horizon,
casting shadows that dance
among the whispers of leaves.

A bird sings...
its song unfolding like petals,
with each note a breath of possibility,
a promise of an unexplored day,
where the air is thick with dreams.

Footsteps on a winding path,
and each step a choice:
the ground beneath the feet,...

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A Dim Afterparty

A Dim Afterparty

Thou shall never know if words could ever suffice

Nor should the laws of nature bound the mind to the earth

For we exist as long as the fade of eternal light

Brings a dimming to the afterparty as we find it cannot always be night


And though our hands feel our knees and our locked chests

Some can see clearly yet roam in the subconscious dark depths

In a ...

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each day the weather changes

clouds or sun or rain in the sky

a kalaidoscope of movements

so easy, why on earth cant I?


there's just the same old cloud

I seem to hold it by some string

it follows me like a stray puppy

in me, cumulo-nimbus is king


I'm caught in a flooded canyon

that black cloud fits like a lid

in my mind is stormy turmoil

dead list of thin...

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Love Left Rusting In The Rain

It boded well in summer

Blue skies and endless sun

When love adds sheen to

Bright days of endless fun


Seasons change like people

Happiness replaced by pain

Dark skies hiding sunshine

Love left rusting in the rain


Whispers like soft breezes

Promises of undying bonds

Magic painting hot dry air

Like fairies waving wands


Easy to envisage our bliss


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Written two days ago. I've never been as at peace as writing it!




For a while the cloud resembled a face

Stern eyed large nosed thin smile

Gave salute right handed in acknowledgment

The breeze pressed through as if turning head

You can marvel at what is happening

And still reject the ending

Exhalation but the lights all switched out

What game to give cloud a name

Backwards map out life story about


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Eternity Always Wins

I suppose I'm one of life's losers

Missed out on joys and content

Mourned other folks's milestones

Never learned what love meant


How to encounter consolation or

Stomach others's enjoyable sins?

The answer lies up in the clouds

Where brute eternity always wins


Winners cant take it with them

Imagine leaving behind that cash

Lovers weeping at the bedside


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Marooned again

The sun leaks out of the grey cloud ceiling spilling all over my body. Golden light bathes my cells.
Blanketed by solar rays I gain a new perspective on my surroundings; colours are deeper, fruit ripe. The world beyond my front door suddenly separated only be a wooden plank. 

But as quickly as it came, the curtains above me shut with swift determination. Once again my perspective shifts. 

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My anklets fill the air with resounding laughs 

As I scuttle between tall blades of grass.

I feel free 

Like I'm the breeze.

A yearning dream

Lounges among the clouds.

Her hand caresses my cheek,

I feel safe and sound.

Did I tell you that I feel free?

Free from the restraint of a rhyme scheme;

Free from structure;

Free from obsessions

Like a speck of dust on a t...

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Intervals Of Rain

Its great when the sun shines no clouds to be seen

And luck is on your side and there's no sign of pain

But life is a roller-coaster its all ups and downs

Sometimes you must shelter from intervals of rain


Intervals of rain intervals of rain

No sky stays forever dry

Intervals of rain intervals of rain

Bring tears to clear your eye


Remember the people suffering out ...

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cloudseyegraveintervals of rainsilver liningsuntears

Clouds Dancing in the Sky

Looking up at the clouds so high

Watching colors stretch across the sky

As they combine and spread apart gracefully

An ever-changing work of art slowly slips by


As the sun first wakes

Golden hues are painted on the tips

I’m struck by the beauty

How lucky I am to be a witness


As the sun slowly dances across the sky

The image changes as clouds come and go


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Waking to see autumn's lustre

lit on my beech


rust leaves gilt glowing

red gold bathed by


a rising sun's first grasp

of day.


Turning to see gold amber cirrus

low light the east -


beneath a darker grey purple

cloud bruise


that golden gleam of

dawning dawn.


So my sad grey purple dreams

dawn dim


their dark ghosts disconnect ...

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The Estuary

I am


on a far tide line

sand rippled


with estuary shells

with oystercatchers

soft where rills run down

or the sea pools

behind a half-sunk stone

or a mooring chain

I am


moored yachts

swinging to the tide turn

above their sunken reflections

angled lines of cirrostratus

echoed below the horizon

in the mirror gloss sea


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beachboatscloudsestuaryreflectionsriversandseaseaweedtidetide line


Clouds drifting across the  blue sky..
Shades of startling grey and white ..
They encompass such pent up, brewed up grudges.. 
Floating across the towns, cities and villages.. 
Advent is with those light, white and frothy cotton candies ..
Ushering life with foolish hopes and absurdities.. 
Clouds of dismal sheen soon start to appear in the overcast skies.. 
Embittered are they of the peopl...

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One of my favorite games 
to play as a child 
was seeing shapes 
in the clouds: 

Dogs, cats, 
elephants, giraffes, 
airplanes, unicorns... 

It was one of the 
few pleasures 
of my childhood. 

As I grew up, 
I began to see 
scarier things:
Dragons, demons, 
torn hearts,
flaming arrows... 

Now in the archway 
of my golden years, 
I see beauty that 
brings me to tears:


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angelschildhoodcloudsdeathfamilyimaginationJoni Mitchelllifeloveloved onesmusicsingingsky

One Last Frozen Tear

"Heavy Snow in Wales": 30th January 2019


A sheet of pure white covers her face: that land I thought I knew

frozen beneath its covering, buried ever deeper in its icy tomb

the contours I know so well:

every dip and valley; hill and gully

smoothed by this mantling shroud that descended

as time slipped slowly away, locking us in its white eternity


One last frozen tear d...

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In The Light

As it is always been
For the world to see
Crystal ball,
I have been admiring
In the light,
Paths are shown..

The king looks old
Rays of light,
Passing through him
Crown he's been gifted
In the light,
Paths are shown..

Dark clouds,
Cover the light
The winds,
Push them away
Sliver of light,
Comes blazing again
In the light,
Paths are s...

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Overwhelming Sky

The overwhelming sky enthralls me
Shows me its magic, fills me with glory
Layers of stratus, piles of towering cumulus
Cirrus lacing glazes overtop
Neon pink icy scribbling on an evening horizon
Fireworks sunsets, pale sleepy dawns
Reds, yellows, purples, greens overwrite the blue and black
Gauguin, Picasso, Rothko must have felt this
The Starry Night is truth, no wonder Vincent suffered s...

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poetryskyvan Goghcloudswonderwondermentbeauty


This one comes from some older stuff of mine, written whilst dealing with what i didnt realise was a depression / anxiety disorder at the time.  Thankfully now its under control, but reading this back makes me remeber just how black things were back then.


Darkness; continuous, deep, perpetual darkness.

Constant.  Soulless.  Empty dark space.

It laps at the edges, frayed edges of my c...

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close to the twighlight

On a hot summers eve close to the twighlight,

the marble of crimson came rolling down past sight.


Misty clouds coating the ever changing sky.

birds whistle their last tune before slumber calls them.


Stars begin to light.

Soon it will be night.

Close to the twighlight.

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Away in the distance on a cold dreary night,

the horizon is lit by flickering lights.

Storm clouds as black as the darkest heart

and lightning tears the very air apart.


A grumbling mass of swirling bile,

the silence, the earth, the night to defile.

Like distant portents of desolate doom,

sorry shadows of a dusk too soon.


The dull silhouette of the thunderheads mas...

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The Ghost Of Summer

The Ghost Of Summer


A leaded cloak that settled on the bay,

forewarned us of the chaos yet to rise

from deep within the boiling soup of grey.


The thunderheads that blocked our sunny day

and scattered tears of winter from their eyes –

made all the basting bathers go away.


The crystal spume of effervescent spray

that settled on us, causing such su...

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british summerrainholidaysmaking the best of itcloudsdonkeysdeck chairs

the Bright Side to Each Other's Moon




Ripples in the water. Forever bouncing. The transformation from Sea to Land. The water. a Constant Surge. Pulsating Tides. those Building Blocks. Keeping a foundation grounded. The inspiration behind the pen.


Are we all just words in a pictionary born again to have meaning? My reality appears vastly d...

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saptruthLovebuilding blocksmississippi riverdancewrite2217Timmy MitulligreatquestionfunnelMNtalitycloudsstormbaked thoughts

The Gipsy Clouds

By: Ali Taha Alnobani
My sweetheart who left me before a year
Today was very near
I saw her when I was drunk
In my cup
And also in my fear
I wished to tell her about the muddy way
Over there, at the crazy row of thoughts
Inside the dream of the sea
That got bored of futile boats
I tried to call her
But she couldn't hear
And the life reared to me i...

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cloudsclouds and weatherfor ways to not fall in lovelove poetrylogicgipcybeautyHer-Storyafter hermy life and herspoetrypassion





Love is an illusion fuelled by hope

Hope is an illusion fuelled by love

The sky is full of ghosts each cloud

A spirit forever trapped in the blue.



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I’m flying to the sun, now free of this haunted place, to find a new destiny and to gaze upon the stars.

I won’t let me down, not like you did to me; this time I’m in my plane and going all the way to escape you all and the putrid ways of your petty lives, an end.

For now I’m free, truly free of you all and your wretched ways, now I can breathe again and live ...

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flightfree in the skycloudssun

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