The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

conspiracies (Remove filter)

Ode To The Lazy And Ignorant Who Scoff At The Truth

Dark are these times the world's gone mad,
Its all gonna end soon and I'm kinda glad,
As I sit here alone in a state of isolation,
The world has been deceived in a sea of indoctrination,
Oh how we've been lied to on a scale so grand,
It's hard to comprehend so let me help you understand,
MK Ultra, Paperclip, Nine-Eleven and Blue-beam,
There's so much deception that it feels like dream,

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IgnoranceSheepSheepleConspiraciesConspiracy TheoriesTruthLiesDeceptiongenocideslient warfare

Mind Control On Sheeple

Blood thirsty talkers,

Make subliminal mockers,

Alpha waves and beta waves,

Molding your mind with delta waves,

You don't think zombies exist,

Well just take a look around,

The unenlightened and semi-conscious,

Are roaming all around,

Microwave guns,

And hyper sonic weapons,

Sounds you can't hear,

That will cause you to deafen,

You think your food is real?


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conspiraciesdumb sheeplemind controltruthwake up

Ignorance is bliss

So I guess that they've imprisoned us into this predetermined preposition 

When the truth is there so blatantly but we can't help but not to listen 

Because ignorance is bliss so we'll stay blissfully unaware 

As to the GMO's in all our food and the geo engineering in the air 

I suppose we'll go organic and refuse the water from the tap 

What about the metals likened to a subtle che...

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