The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Wrecking Ball of Democracy Incarnate

A chilling warning about the state of American democracy, as power consolidates under the hands of a few. With Trump and Musk at the helm, the nation’s soul is being dismantled, and the world trembles at the impending rise of a new dictatorship. This poem tries to capture the essence of a regime fuelled by greed, secrecy, and the crushing of basic freedoms, marking a dark chapter in history.


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Americademocracy at staketyrannyTrumpMuskauthoritarianismdictatorshipcorruptionpolitical crisispowerrevolutionconstitutionjusticefreedom


Attempting to kill infection invisible germs we can not see

Its there but we can not see

We just know it is there

Corona got us sanitising

Got the people realising

Coughing and apologising

Terrorised or terrorising

A few questions I have in mind

With no rules inplace that can be outlined

We are all confused by boris's speeches

If we can't trust our government then we ...

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