The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 27 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

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cruelty (Remove filter)

If I were God...

If I were God, no tyrant’s fist Would strike the world and call it law. No throne would stand on broken backs, No crown be forged from cries of pain. The fattened few who drink from veins Of those who toil, who starve, who break, Would wake to find their golden feasts Had turned to dust upon their tongues. No child would fade to hollow bone, No mother beg for crusts of bread, No fa...

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dystopian   justice   power   oppression   tyranny   war   greed   hunger   suffering   cruelty   nature   environment   extinction   revolution   hope

Modus Operandi---Conscious Cruelty

If you care anything at all about Mental Health Services in Tory UK, and about how the Tories treat their citizens watch this:


Modus Operandi-Conscious Cruelty


National Emergency; declare a General Strike;

Are we Hearts of Oak, or timid wee mice?

Stop kissing their boots, tell β€˜em to take a hike,

I for one, am itching to get rid of these lice;


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mental health   cruelty   Dover   Pinocchio   scams   hearts of oak

Rule Britannia


Find an island teetered

On frightened migrants, barrels of oil, 

And African diamonds.

Find a child swathed in red water, 

defiled by the law of the man up top,

pockets heavy, conscience ready

to burn and claw at power

To grovel, devour

To fester in Westminster

the cries of innocents 

talked around, spat on

With self-serving ambivalence

A game of bla...

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politics   Conservatives   immigration   migrant crisis   Cruelty   rail strikes   Broken Britain

The Bastard

And so the bastard sings........

His cruel deformities an abomination to those who set our standards,
It is a vicious, stinging blade that cuts him down in the street,

And the vermin watch, their cocks in their hands,
As the bastard falls, crying,
The gushing blood flows into the lifeless streets,
Glowing rivers of virility,
Washed into the gutter,

I took her hand, to take her away...

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Cruelty   depression   humanity   conformity   society


I am angry.

I am angry at men, and women
and children and mothers and fathers.
my body is full of unbridled rage, that the ones
I love and care about, sometimes even myself,
can turn a blind eye to the atrocities right in front of us.

Children ripped from their mothers
Young people blinded and beaten for speaking the truth
Men spewing bile, cruelty, poison to hide the 
depths of their...

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BLM   justice   womens rights   childrens rights   injustice   cruelty   bigotry   racism   sexism

Death of cruelty

The cruelty of the world

has defeated me once more

but the war still continues

this battle only evens the score.


Prevailing winds at my back

will assist in retreat

but the return will be stronger

with my swift wingèd feet.


Those craggy rocks of hate

split and break off overhead

but my quick agile mind

will render them dead.


Too late to hesitate


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Terence Evans







Terence Evans had little respect

For the life or the welfare of any insect

He swatted the fly with the rolled daily news

And stamped on the beetle in his Doc Marten shoes

Unfortunate spiders were drowned in the bath

Caterpillars were crushed should they dare cross his path

He bisected worms with his pocket penknife

Pulled the legs off cray-fly and...

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Comeuppance   Cruelty   Karma   poems   poetry

Cutting The Line


Cutting the Line 


I thought I was underprivileged

Till Dad took me to Billy and Peg’s

Where I came face to face with such desperate folk

Society’s unwanted dregs

Irish Billy and Peg ran a flophouse

Where poor souls paid a bob for the night

To kip, on a length of clothesline

From one wall to t’other pulled tight

The Last Chance Saloon, in the centre of Town


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Flophouse   cruelty   underprivileged

A Marriage of Ghosts

A Marriage Of Ghosts


Something old; crumbling bones.

Something new; innocent youth.

Something borrowed; parental beliefs.

A bride forever blue.


Flesh bound to ash and bone.

A knot ties the living and dead.

Union of child and corpse, rotting.

Protection from cursed health and poverty.


Escaping abandonment, in a death shed,

destined by ancestral expectati...

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ghost   marriage   ancestors   tradition   beliefs   inequality   cruelty

The Glowering Mists of Autumn

The Glowering Mists of Autumn


As I travel life's journey I'm often-times struck

By a vision both novel and possibly true; that serenity

In a dangerous world without luck,

Is impossible; but is there a temporal divinity?


Perhaps the root causes of wonder and joy

Really are in the sky, or on Dante's fine peak,

Or my fireside, where the dance won't annoy

In the compa...

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cruelty   dangerous   Dante   fortune   ghosts   grace   journey   leopard   regret.   serenity


A smile is life's most Wonderest Gift . It shows a Reaction never to be missed . It lights up a face . Showing a Beutiful sight . Producing an Ora . Saying all is alright  . Never stop Smiling .

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Sadness   cruelty   hope .

The Robins Nest

Building a rockery
Stopping, watching.
Robins’ nesting close
Stop work do not startle.
Stop for incoming worms
Love those birds.
Mouths to feed
Stopping with care and wonder.

Hen and Cock, working to ends
Chicks gaped ochre mouths
Cheeping, stop work, move away.
They cry.
Worm after worm
Rock after rock.
Both building
Only rock is dead.

Lovers tiff, leaving permanently.

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Cruelty   ice cold revenge   unrequited love   hurt

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