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environmental crisis (Remove filter)

The Year That Ticked Too Loud: 2024

Two dozen and four, a year to recall,
With laughter and dread, we weathered it all.
A leap and a bound in the calendar's stride,
Yet peril and promise walked side by side.


From skies of electric, green heavens were torn,
Auroras that danced where smog once was worn.
The planet still warming, though chatter grew fierce,
While glaciers wept tears no words could pierce.


Trump ro...

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year-end reflection2024 poemcautionary poemhumanity and resilienceclimate changewar and politicsabsurdity of humanityAI and technologyenvironmental crisishope and struggle

Gaia's Lament


Beyond a dream of moonlit shores

Stared wide her luminous eyes

Where glaciers dripped from warming thaws

And dawn brushed fiery skies


Her wispy breath of earthly sorrow 

Misted morning's glow

Streaming tears down to the hollow

Where the time of man will flow

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environmental crisis

Time’s Up


Time’s Up 


Is it coincidence

that at the end stage of the patriarchy

we see the extent of the abuse and rape of women exposed 

alongside the rape of the planet?

As the Earth is pillaged and torn,

all living beings regarded as resources or collateral,

woman is shorn,

time and again, of her dignity, stripped bare,

in the final days...

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Spoken Word poetryrape culturepatriarchyenvironmental crisis

Respect to the Snowflake Generation

Don’t listen to them when they call you snowflakes.

Don’t be hurt when they call you fucking pansies.

Pity them. They are damaged. And they fear you.


They think it’s too much work to be inclusive,

too used to being the privileged majority.

Who is it really that’s easily offended?


When they see they don’t define the world anymore.

You do. That is why they fear you.


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snowflakeSpoken Word poetrygeneration Zenvironmental crisisrespectAnti-bullyingnational poetry dayequality

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