extinction (Remove filter)
If I were God...
Friday 28th February 2025 2:42 pm
Flags and placards round Big Ben
Shouts and chants of Waddawewant?
We call a pause on oil and then
we all lie down. We stand up again.
We shout demands at Parliament
No new gas! No new oil!
One point five degrees soon gone.
Arctic in meltdown, blood on the boil,
Thursday 8th June 2023 10:44 am
In Other News
In Other News
In other news
The forests burned
Ice caps melted
No one learned
We all stopped listening
To each other
But continued shouting
At one another
Threw our plastics
In the sea
Gorged ourselves
On misery
Refused to let
Our neighbours in
Treated losses
As a win
Praised the rich
And damned the poor
Pissed against
Austerity’s do...
Sunday 5th January 2020 12:37 am
Giraffe Extinction
Giraffe Extinction
I sign the petitions and it actually
Gets criminal convictions
Can you believe that?
I get Sosvox emails
2x a week
It’s sad but I view to see what happened
Then to sign and get the abuser convicted
That alone is worth being upset
I did the powerful poem about it too
I got strong reactions of many types on it which is good
Simply put, be...
Sunday 10th November 2019 11:35 am
Climate Catastrophe: Pandemic and Pestilence
Epidemiologists and public health ethicists have been grappling for some time with the near certainly of widespread disease pandemics resulting from climate change. Changes in non-human animal migration and human migration will bring extant pathogens to new populations as warming releases long dormant pathogens on the world once again. Large swaths of the population could be wiped out in an incred...
Tuesday 7th May 2019 1:55 pm
The day before the croquet match
Clubs, ace to king, prepare for a day of wicketness.
Yoga (downward dog) helps. Limbering ointment
promises more flex, less ache. If cards crease, it's
Off with their heads!
Diamonds are dispatched to capture
hedgehogs. They trek into the woods with hedgehog
horns and nets. Problem is, hedgehogs who've played
croquet past years are not invited for rematch.
The mo...
Thursday 4th April 2019 8:23 pm
A Memory Of Rhinoceroses
A Memory Of Rhinoceroses
they were bigger than a house
and had heads the shape of cars
I think
four of them
or maybe more
one was hooked like a sabre
they didn’t have genitals
that’s why they died out
I think
couldn’t procreate
you see
their flesh tasted of pork
or maybe beef
I’m not sure
and they used to farm them
in Kent
or possibl...
Thursday 22nd March 2018 6:58 pm
Rhino swansong
Stuff yourselves you rakish apes, carousing,
smashed on greenhouse gases, with your gross
physiques ensconced on barstools turned from trees
that we’d depended on for shade and browsing.
You looked on us as merchandise. A horn.
Mindless hulks. You gunned us down, despising
I rhinos for existing whilst espousing
reverence for the fabled unicorn.
Mince us up! We’d make your quart...
Tuesday 15th December 2015 3:29 pm
The frog maker
There’s gift-stalls galore outside the wild and hilly
Monteverde Forest. I buy a saffron
amphibian, sculpted in glass, from the guy that crafts them.
“What species is it?” I ask. His smile goes chilly.
“Is Golden Toad. He no more around.”
He knew them as a boy and recounts the thrilling
jackpot glitter of frogs in the fern-leaf frilly
puddles of April that made their spawning ...
Tuesday 8th December 2015 1:00 pm
C-R-A-P World Holidays
I’m looking for a holiday.
I’m surfing on the internet.
I want a little getaway,
a place I haven’t been yet.
I hit on this site
-‘s got lovely colour photos,
the prices are all right,
there’s lotsa countries you can go.
It’s called: Culturerelaxationandadventurepackageworld.com. Culturerelaxationandadventurepackageworld.com
That’s C-R-A-P-World dot com.
Tuesday 24th November 2015 12:56 pm
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