armageddon (Remove filter)
On the Seventh Watch
On the Seventh Watch:
A little after midnight, I was told to watch from 3,
The darkest hour looming, don’t why it fell to me.
And I was blurry eyed, like other souls,
Whose hearts somehow had all been lost.
Hold your ground, won’t you hold your ground,
Hold it while the Angel’s draw their lots,
Defined by everything that I am not
On the Seventh Watch
Wednesday 10th June 2020 1:27 pm
In Other News
In Other News
In other news
The forests burned
Ice caps melted
No one learned
We all stopped listening
To each other
But continued shouting
At one another
Threw our plastics
In the sea
Gorged ourselves
On misery
Refused to let
Our neighbours in
Treated losses
As a win
Praised the rich
And damned the poor
Pissed against
Austerity’s do...
Sunday 5th January 2020 12:37 am
King of Armaggedon
Apocolyptic prophecies foretold
The revelation is revealed
The horsemen make their descent
The angels break the seals
A cataclysmic lunar event
The blackening of the sun
Arachaic scriptures speak
The final days have begun
Kingdoms are torn apart
The trumpets are blown
Each disaster worsens
The wretched are left alone
Angels are now demons
Meterorites incinera...
Tuesday 24th January 2017 7:19 am
January 2016 Collage Poem: The End of the World
The closest I could find
to the end of the world
Pleasing package
under a crumbling roof
Reach for the magic button
Silent and bitter protest
with only one wish
no school
A chocolate mouth that's warm as wet
Hurting like Hell
Just a tearaway
Distant star, our world that ended.
Wednesday 13th January 2016 11:07 pm
“In the midst of life we are in death.”
The angels wonder why
mankind hangs on to pointless breath
refusing just to die.
Three score and ten, is but hors d’oeuvre
we take another bite.
Spare parts fitted with such verve
fend off that final night.
The reaper stamps a tapered toe
his whetstone rasps an oath.
Sickly, and senile, came when d...
Sunday 27th October 2013 12:23 am
Why now do I look at the Tupolev 160 White Swan and Rockwell B-1B bombers in a new light? Taken aback at how pretty both jet bombers are. Their World War3 mission is a dark job, end of days stuff. Not to be taken lightly, unless you're Dr Strangelove.
Less people die when the American B-1 goes to war. Her nuclear mission is taken over by the B-52 and...
Saturday 24th March 2012 5:21 pm
STRIKE dedicated to F-105 pilots and their nuclear mission. Cuba 1962 anyone?
I can finally say I feel a strong sense of duty and contentment as I do my job, all I ever trained for has come together when events bigger than me come to life. My job is to end life, not your’s but your counterpart in the East. Mr Ivan Ivanovich in his collective Soviet missile factory making his nuc...
Friday 27th January 2012 10:54 pm
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