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Stephen Gospage on Approaching Autumn
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Graham Sherwood on Giant Blue Star
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Stephen Gospage on October Rain
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Stephen Gospage on Never
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Stephen Gospage on Renew
3 hours ago

Reggie's Ghost on Giant Blue Star
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Graham Sherwood on Never
14 hours ago

TobaniNataiella on Magic Three Words
18 hours ago

raypool on HUNTER'S MOON
19 hours ago

Tom Doolan on October Rain
21 hours ago

The Last Carriage

I sit on the waiting seat on the station

Not alone

Many friends are waiting as well

We share the same destination


Not long after, the train arrives

I look at my ticket,

"Ah, not my train," I say

Some friends board

They wave their hands

We exchange smiles

I'm left with the unfinished puzzle in my hand


Not long after, another train arrives

I look at my t...

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lifejourneyfarewellhuman journeySelf-discoveryselfrelationshipslife storylovelost reality

Words Hidden Beneath Ink

A delicate touch on my skin.

How long has it been

since someone softly caressed me?

A touch so unknown,

yet Comfort finds their home.

As you trace the ink on my skin,

your eyes rake down my body,

drinking all of me in,

as if you have not drunk a drop of water 

for as long as you’ve been.

Your fingers on me,

feel like the first sunbeams that grace a leaf,

after a...

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tragedypoempainfarewelllonginglovepoetryismy life

Empty Chairs

Just a second is all it would take for you to leave this table.

It never gets better, seeing the amount of empty chairs grow.

Still, I remain seated at the table, glued to my chair.

Unable to do anything but watch with pain in my heart, 

as yet another one leaves me alone here.

But what can I do?

Even an iceberg desperately yearns for warmth,

climbing to the sun, knowing it wi...

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Me Minus Pain

I don't know what is right or wrong
I don't understand the way of this world
I can only feel the constant pain
Tears flowing from my eyes
Frequent pain became a
Constant Reminder that I'm not meant
To be loved or to love
So many ways for a heart to get broken
So many hurts and unfulfilled expectations
I want to be free of this pain

I want to be able to prick my heart with a needle yet ...

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Sleep with me

Stay with me dont leave me in this dark valley 

Lay on my emotions pet them tell them it can all go away

Everytime im sleepless i have images of our times coming and going

Eventually youll walk in that fire and understand the burning 

Peoplw will walk in an ember from hell just to find out where your going

Will we fall to our senses and stumble down lonely park drive 

I see the s...

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I Saw Ice In Your Farewell

My love was welded by wit

No woman was ever racier

Yet after my crazy revelation

I was sleeping with a glacier


Some things are best hidden

Dont oblige that need to tell

My regrets forged hot tears

For I saw ice in your farewell


My fault misreading the signs

I felt we'd reached that page

Where we became truly one

Not paper lovers on a stage


I'd dis...

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There they were beyond the

Railings in broad daylight, flouting

The rules, hundreds of them

Socialising cheek by jowl while

Above ground, as if

Condoning the breach

Sat an older couple on a

Bench having a

Picnic by the looks of it

Sandwiches flask the lot, I

Wondered if they'd been barred from a

Funeral and had come to

Say a deferred farewell before taking


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The farewell

There was no time left to repent.Her time had come.. 
Her serene face made one quiver
All those years of going away made this parting so painful..
Her face will haunt always in the years to come.. 
Her transgressions all forgotten 
yet the happy memories almost obscured by the time when all it was a vacant wall between them.
One wonders if they had more time together, would that have led to ...

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Goodbye Daddy

Tick tock

Blue frock

Little Annie by the dock

“Goodbye Daddy, sail safe

Here’s your key, I hold the lock”

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farewellfather daughter

The last farewell this winter brought

And just like that, you're gone,

The memories fade away, you're lost,

No matter the action , the consequences are the same.

The thought of you not being here,

The thought of missing you,

Those are concepts I can't wrap around my head.

With fear I live the upcoming days,

Questioning my own existence,

Questioning my own rebellion, I slowly understand what you meant.


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I'm to leave now


By: Ali Taha Alnobani

I'm to leave now

A tall ghost is carrying my bag

A long street is walking behind me

A mad merchant bought my smiles

And no water to renew the dusk

I can't have my step begun

Even if the rain washed my tears


I'm to leave now

Can I have a deep look at your eyes?

Can I take my dreams, your smile

And my dried red rose?


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farewellgood-byevaleValentinesValentineValentine poemleavingshe leave me small giftslovesad loveromantic distance love dan hookslove makingLOVE SONGfalling in lovelove and time passinglove passionfire flesh love passion obsessionlove sonnetLove lostlovedlove is deadLoverslove endingThe Passionate Lover To An Artisttravel love thoughts musing

Goodbye, Gaston





My uncle, Gaston,
mum's bro (1-yr apart),
died whilst I cradled him
in the crook of me arms.

He lay there bliss-filled
Faint lustre of his boyhood charms.

It was a waiting game
& he was hanging on.
He held back the Ripper's blade
Unmindful that he'd had it made.

I whis...

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On Taking the Early Train

A farewell to two poets that have only just passed on: Sandra Fowler and Sonya Florentino. R.I.P., dear friends.


on taking the early train


Yes, I will try to be brave
just like you'd want me to be;
here I am waiting on shared memory:

Dear old friend, where might you be?
And where is it that we have arrived:
now we're quickly fading into oft-turned pag...

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The Voice of a Quill, Now Silent

I am but the mottled bark
of a tree once firmly rooted,
peeled from its stately trunk

and within my hollow carapace
echoes an inert drumbeat
that keeps the cadence for
a march of ornate trappings

soon and sooner still, one day
this crepuscular orphelin song
resonant in its languid longing
shall surge with the rising tide

the sound of its condescencion
as i...

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