The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Wang’s Dīngzihù*

In Wang's Dīngzihù*, the poem explores the unyielding defiance of a man who refuses to let go of his home in the face of relentless urban development. Wang’s small "nail"house becomes a symbol of resistance, standing firm against powerful tycoons and the machinery of progress. As legal battles and societal pressures mount, Wang’s fight is not just for his land, but for his identity and legacy. It ...

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resistancedefiancelegacyprideheritagenail houseurban developmentresiliencestruggle

The Art of Ages


Not on canvas but in frame

the eye and hand do make the day,

which with the Sun unbeckoned came

and at its want will fade away.


Between the rise and fall of light

in all that comes and all that goes,

a wealth of life befalls our sight

that none before could surely know.


And in that fragile frame of time

our brush strokes fill the fleeting page,

which wi...

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Character Reference

Writing a character reference
for a friend
for someone I thought I knew
to mitigate their crimes
to ease them on their future journey
humbled, kneecapped and sore
Two thoughts spring to mind…

What good have they done
and how can it be expressed
Were they always the first to lend a hand
were they always there for those in need
Which of their actions
should I recall and paint in colour

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Time Could Last Forever

We live our lives together
Breathing the same air
Yet never help each other
It makes life hard to bear.

So much could be made better
In just a little time
And time could last forever
If we just use it right.

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meditationshort poempath of lifetimeefforteternitylegacycharitygenerositycommunitysocietyposterity

I Am Poetry

I am the hunter of whispers.
I am the gatherer of brothers and sisters.  

I am wind beneath wings, soaring in a summer sky. 
I am the chiseled smile. 

I am sparkles on snow.
I am a symphonic echo.

I am the horns and halo.
I am afterglow.

I am the you everyone wants to know.
I am everywhere you go. 

I am the aha of heartbreak.
I am gamma rays beaming through dark days.

I am ...

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“No mere human cannot stand in a fire and not be consumed.” ~ Christabel LaMotte


Consume the news,
  be confused, sing the blues, blow a fuse.

Consume potions, from drugs to Netflix,
  get lost in the Matrix.

Consume pornography,
  french-kiss misogyny.

Consume social media,
  group-think Expedia, personal-connection anemia.

Consume nature,
  become one with the savior.


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Your words are a

breath of fresh air.

It warms my heart

to see you at the

pantheon of passion,

creating a lyrical legacy,

writing love letters

across the sky,

of a beautiful dream.

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Resistance is futile. 

You will not find rest

as long as I am near, 

whispering in your ear. 


STOP,  right now.

Write now. 


Talk about how 

love echoes 

in the valley of 

lost souls. 


Share your hopes, 

dreams, fears. 


I’m listening, 


ready to bathe you, 

in serenity. 


I am your muse, 

voice of truth, 


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Love Letter to My Muse

All day long 

I think of you. 

I can’t wait to get home 

to be with you,

to feel your ink drip 

between my fingers.

You are my love,

my passion,

my muse.

I know you will 

never leave me. 

We are bound 

by a legacy of words, 

that braids our soul.

Our poetry echoes 

through time and space, 

leaves a soft place 

for broken hearts to land. 

# # # 


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Immortality Methodology

Immortality Methodology


Always remember -

endings are new beginnings.

Here’s to the future,

where an ending waits for me

while my words live forever.

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NaPoWriMo 2019day 30minimalist poemtankaimmortalitywordsepitaphlegacy


Mortality stalks me 
like a jealous lover.

Breathlessly follows me
wherever I go, incessantly
banging a gong, 


it won't be long, 
come to me, let 
the pain end.

My eternal soul sees
this game of mortal gods 

and challenges me

to go where mortals
fear to tread...

Meditate in silent space
past the black hole,

beyond illness,
depression, despair

to that ...

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The Writer's Plight

For some, the writer's plight may be staring at a blank page, fear of rejection, or resistance presented in various forms. For me, the writer's plight is being available morning, noon, and night to welcome a steady stream of pop-in visitors with expectations of providing conversation, cooking, cleaning, even childcare for hours on end.

With a Mona Lisa smile, I weigh the importance of what my d...

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comfort zonedrama queenfamilyfocushabitlegacymuseprioritiesquality timerelationshipswriter's lifewriting


If you become 
what you think about 
most of the time... 

I am becoming 
poetry, a lyrical 
fantasy floating 
in rhyme. 

I am becoming 
love and light,

Doing my best
to do what's right.

I am becoming 
and peace. 

Healing souls
like Wayne 
and Louise.  

I am becoming
who God intended
me to be.

Leaving a loving

I am becoming 



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lovelightlegacyhealingsoulsdestinypoetryfantasyrhymeGodfaithforgivenesspeacefreedomWayne DyerLouise Hay

Cha-Chi Legacy

I inhale the tears 
welling up in my eyes.
Feeling like I don't have 
the right to cry for 

letting so much time go by
without saying hi,
how are you doing, 
what's new in your life?

I "kept in touch" 
watching your 
on social media, 

after a 

providing water 
and food for 
people who didn't 
know your name.

I was proud of you,

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connectiondeathfamilyhomelesslegacylifelovesocial mediatimevolunteer


Publish your poems,

your stories,

your soul songs.

A world of lonely people

are waiting for you

with open arms. 


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destinyhealinglegacylonlinessmiraclesmusicpoetryquillsoultwin flamewriting

Behind Point

You need to live, to lead your life until 

The point chosen not by you;

A path behind which is legacy of yours.

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Revealing Peace

Revealing peace, presented by my mood,

Persuades the world of feeling all its streams –

A thread of legacy appears by my side.

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Rubies and Diamonds

Rubies and Diamonds


To the dreary and the lonely,

To the cautious and the weary,

To the listless and enlightened minds,

Let them hear what my words describe,

Through humble prophets speaks The King,

Who urges and pushes for The Reckoning,

Answer your soul for it is beckoning,


Cast away shadows,

Cast away strife,

You must answer your soul,

And answer your ...

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writingpublic speakingcreativitystand up for yourselflegacy

The Voice of a Quill, Now Silent

I am but the mottled bark
of a tree once firmly rooted,
peeled from its stately trunk

and within my hollow carapace
echoes an inert drumbeat
that keeps the cadence for
a march of ornate trappings

soon and sooner still, one day
this crepuscular orphelin song
resonant in its languid longing
shall surge with the rising tide

the sound of its condescencion
as i...

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Do not bring flowers to my grave…


Instead, donate the funds to Cancer Research

- if I die of cancer 

to Alzheimer’s Association

 - if I die of senile dementia

to Cats Protection

- if I die childless and alone

to Salvation Army

- if I die homeless, out on the street

(though the collection may be light)

If I die from a stomach split with hunger


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