lonliness (Remove filter)
Swallow Me, 2
You would be doing me a favor
that I find impossible to gift myself.
Less death since one could say
my soul passed away
a long time ago,
Like the serenity I long for.
No, not non-existence,
I scream a cackle into the
cushions of my sofa
as the irony coats the inside of my mouth.
I must have
the ranci...
Wednesday 24th July 2024 2:10 am
Cold winter night
And on a lonely seat in a cold winter night where it all began. Yearning for what once was, but not still and never again.
Was it hope bewitching my mind. Thinking all ache has passed. Or was it true serenity that was too rare to last.
In the dark of night my mind wanders free. Seeking a relief beyond my reach.
Then the day comes and it's darker still. Though the sun shines bright, my sun...
Tuesday 24th August 2021 7:29 pm
Lonely Girl
Some days there is not enough
chocolate or booze
to chase away the blues
or stop torrential thoughts of love
gone too soon.
What's a lonely girl to do.
The only thing that eases the pain
is music from silent words
thought to be penned in vain.
Friday 17th January 2020 3:23 am
Can We Pretend
Can we pretend
social media highlights
are every day life.
Can we pretend
children aren't starving,
neglected or abused.
Can we pretend
Mother Earth will
pardon our plundering.
Can we pretend
animals don’t suffer
for our gluttonous pleasure.
Can we pretend
greed doesn't
fuel disease.
Can we pretend
God is real and
Saturday 7th September 2019 1:02 am
Publish your poems,
your stories,
your soul songs.
A world of lonely people
are waiting for you
with open arms.
Saturday 22nd December 2018 7:28 pm
Not one Friend
In the end,
there's no help from one single friend
because in the end,
I'm all alone, left once again
Sunday 11th March 2018 2:06 am
He left
He left
He left behind his broken wife and his scared son
He left
He left us cold, all alone with no one
He left
The vows, they meant nothing
The promises, broken
I just wish we meant something
More than just empty words spoken
I cried for days at a time
My young son wiped every tear
Leaving us was a crime
And now, it's been 1 year
Sunday 1st January 2017 11:32 pm
No one likes lonliness,
It's an endless pit of darkness.
Battling gruesome demons,
Struggling to forget those wretched memories.
Decayed flowers and surging tides,
Lonilness is sleep deprivation, a weak soul, a cold heart,
Lonliness is my biggest demon.
Friday 25th December 2015 1:08 pm
My parents laugh from the other room,
Their happiness makes me sad.
I wonder if they are aware
Of my broken heart
Or if they have ever experienced
An ache like mine.
His face is everywhere:
In a building with a million corridors
I can't ignore,
The feeling of a ghost
Lurking sore in the pathways of my mind
There is nothing to be said or done.
A source...
Wednesday 28th May 2014 12:48 am
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