gluttony (Remove filter)
on repeat
peel your chin from the canyon,
drown your heart in rock salt,
and let the glow pour into every cleft.
feel the rumble in thunder.
let your feet meet the earth.
stand in symphony.
baptize yourself in rain.
cover your ears
and watch with marvel at the world.
let this breath be new.
strip the heat from your mouth
and gaze like linchpin.
rid your body of brittle.
soak in devotion...
Tuesday 20th August 2024 3:34 pm
Chocolate Tree
There once stood a chocolate tree, a bearer of desires.
Its leaves melted when it inhaled passion.
Its fruits of fire
Set ablaze lands, verdant and barren.
Its bark was festooned in ribbons
Of rich gold and smooth caramel.
Like Midas' touch, gluttony abundant,
The tree was nothing short of magical.
I basked in the shadow of the canopy
Atop the chocolate capped grass bl...
Tuesday 23rd June 2020 7:57 pm
Can We Pretend
Can we pretend
social media highlights
are every day life.
Can we pretend
children aren't starving,
neglected or abused.
Can we pretend
Mother Earth will
pardon our plundering.
Can we pretend
animals don’t suffer
for our gluttonous pleasure.
Can we pretend
greed doesn't
fuel disease.
Can we pretend
God is real and
Saturday 7th September 2019 1:02 am
Self Destruction
Eskimos bury
The handle of
A razor-sharp knife,
Bearing a lump of
Frozen meat, to be precise
Layers of blood In the wilderness of ice.
Lured Wolfs gather round it
And unaware their own
Snow-frozen tongues they slit
They voraciously lick, lick and lick
Along with own blood, hot and tick.
'What a windfall luck! '
They think
'We are feeding on our blood! '
Before comes to their hea...
Friday 12th May 2017 12:06 pm
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