The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

fireworks (Remove filter)


On The Village Outer fringes

Lives the legend Rocketman

If it burns, explodes or singes

Pyrotechnically, he’s your man

His potting shed’s a bomb store 

He goes there when he chooses

To stack the shelves and fill the floor

with gunpowder and fuses


He plans every Guy Fawkes night

By astrophysics and geography 

Filling the sky with sound and light

And aerial chor...

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fireworksbonfirenightBonfire Nightvillage lifesocial satirehumour


serving consecutive life sentences
three meals,
the confines of jail time
three strikes,
and they are never letting you get out
they throw the book at you
like a caged animal
preying, it lands on a page that says
a message from god
sins written on — listed off, and then
sent across the hall to your distant friend again

a life of recycling license plates
crime pays for the chip...

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U.S.AUSA4th of julypoetpoempoetrypoemsnaturemetaphysicsspiritualgodfireworks



In the form of Flame,

Is a mother's touch,

Calm, Gentle, Warm,

The same Fire,

With circumstances,


Raging, Ravaging, Revolting,

Learn from Fire,

To be a caressing mother,

For Good,

And be the destroyer,

For Evil,

Ignite your Fire,


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fireflameacceptable behaviourfireworkscoldchangewinterbluesmood

Welcome October

It was a cold and crisp evening, 

9:30pm and the full moon shone down

brightly on my path, 

Guiding me, 

As my feet crunched through

fallen scattered leaves. 


A sharp chill filled the air

And the smell of wood burning brought me 

back to the good aul days. 

If I had just awoken from a coma I 

would have known for certain that it 

was Autumn. 


Amber lea...

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